Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 21




Faye’s POV

Miles finally drove me home

“Thanks for the ride ” I greeted as I got off.

He waved at me and rode off, guess he had somewhere else to go.

I arrived home, but the door was locked, I knocked at the door.

Waiting for the maids to open up, but they didn’t.

Did they perhaps go for an errand too.

I reached into the flowers pot besides the door to get the spare key.

But then suddenly, the door was opened by a maid.

“Welcome ma’am ” she greeted and I responded by nodding.

Today is Keith’s big day, I hope he gets the company, because he deserves it.

I went to my room, I’m glad I got proof from the machine that I’m not pregnant.

Can’t wait to deliver the news or maybe I should test him to see if he’ll get married to me if I was pregnant.

It’ll be fun, especially when he comes back with the news that he got the company, I giggled to myself.

I took a quic-k shower, Finally we’ll be out if this house that’s polluted by Zeta’s trouble.

I wore my robe and c@m£ out, just then Keith’s car drove in.

I crossed my f!ngersand waited for Keith to come to the room.

But he rather barge in ma-king me to flin-ch.

He looked so angry and to t©p it all, his fist was injured he sat at the chair.

“Baby are you…. ” I approach him trying to t©uçh his injury, he surprisingly flin-ched my hands away.

He got up, then fling a paper To the be-d.

“If only you stayed at home, instead of meeting someone ” he barked.

I looked at him in shock, then I carried the papers he flung.

It was our contract paper, oh no.

That means he didn’t get the company.

“If only you stayed at home” he kept on repeating.

“Keith Oliver, I only went to meet the doctor to…. ”

“I don’t care who the hell, you went to meet, Faye Forrest, because that person just made me lose the company ” he fired and entered the bathroom.

I’ve never seen Keith so mad like this.

That company really meant a lot to him, I’m so sorry Keith, I didn’t know this would’ve happened.

I walked around the room up and down, this is so not good.

I heard a knock at the door.

I opened it to see Zeta and Cindy laughing.

“I won’t miss you, when Keith throws you away, now I can proudly say “Solid burn return ” ” Zeta sm-irked.

I just slam the door at her face,fu-ck her, I cursed as tears trimmed from my eyes.

Keith c@mÂŁ out with his robe on.

“Pack your things, we’re leaving now ” he ordered.

“plea-se Keith, I’m so sorry ” I said but he didn’t say anything.

We packed up everything and put them in the car.

Keith Parents were at the dinning, without a word to them, Keith and I p@ssed by them and we left the house.

He drove me to his house, he helped me re-move my luggage.

“Here’s the key to the house ” he toss the key.

Then went back to the car

“Keith where are you going? ” I asked but he didn’t answer either.

I cried the more, why is This happening.

I went into the house and waited in the living room, I’m waiting for him to come back.

What’s going on in his mind, he doesn’t want to answer or listen to me..


Keith Finally arrived.

He c@mÂŁ inside, then handed over an envelope to me.

“Keith, I’m scared if this attitude, talk to me” I pleaded hesitating to collect the envelope.

“Just take it” he said

Shivering, I collected the envelope

“The envelope, contain your salary ” he said and I looked at him again with teary eyes.

“Your house Keys and a contract of 20 million dollars is in there” he blurted and I was Shucked

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