Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 23




Keith’s POV Continues

Two days after Faye left, I regretted my decision.

I tried calling her, but she just won’t answer my call.

I’m such a fool, I let my anger overcome me.

I even went to the house I gave her, but she had renovated.

I really want to meet her, Is she still in this city?

I tried calling her number again.

Faye’s POV

Keith smiled and looked at me “Faye you’re here” he said.

I just glared at him

“You can search for the cloth you want ” I said then turn away to leave.

But he held my hand

“Why are you acting like this? It’s me Keith ” he said and I scoffed.

“Are you trying to act dumb or you’ve forgotten, what you did to me ” I yelled at him as I fling his hand away.

“plea-se Stay away from me ”

I went to the elevator, I opened it and got in.

Why did I have to see his face.

Why is he here to bring back past memories.

Then my phone rang, Keith was calling me.

I’m so sorry Keith, but I can’t answer your calls.

You didn’t think twice before you told me to leave, you didn’t care about how I felt.

Only the company was important to you back then, now why are you calling me.

I ignored it


It’s 12:00am, I usually close my boutique at midnight.

I locked the door, then called my Uber to pick me up.

He then dropped me at home.

As I was opening my door, I just had a strange feeling that someone is Behind me.

I swiftly turned and saw Keith.

“What do you want, plea-se leave me ”

“I’m really sorry, Faye plea-se I don’t know what c@m£ over me, I acted as a fool by doing that to you” he said

“plea-se Listen to me, I’m…. ”

“Keith, this is not one of my best moments, plea-se I don’t want to listen to you” I interrupted

“You are telling me to listen to you? Whereas you didn’t ”

“But I love you Faye Forrest and I know you love me” he said.

“plea-se go, seeing you is alre-ady a burden, I’m not in the mode to talk to you ” I concluded then got inside.

I sunk into my couch, Why can’t I just forgive him. I cried out.

Seeing him beg, reminds me of how I begged him not to sÂŁnd me away.

Am I doing the right thing?

Keith’s POV

“Would you come over tomorrow?” my dad asked

“Sorry, I can’t, there’s something more important that I’m searching for ” I told him

“You say that everytime, Okay then but whenever you’re re-ady inform me, because I have a surprise for you” he said and I ended the call.

I’m not really in good terms with my dad, he didn’t think twice before giving Zeta the company.

I’m upset with him

Oh no, I’m definitely like my dad, I didn’t also think twice before s£nding Faye (the lady I love) away.

fv¢k!! I really need to fix this but I can’t get in t©uçh with her.


The Knock at the door woke me up.

He’s too early, then I checked the time, or maybe I oversle-pt.

I went and opened the door for Miles.

“Good morning bro” He greeted.

“Miles, didn’t expect you to be this early ” I said yawning.

“Anyway come in” I made way.

Miles can help me get to Faye, because they’re close.

Faye would want to listen to Miles, I really hope she forgives me.

To Be Continued…

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