Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 25




Keith’s POV

I honk my car repeatedly, I’m suppose to have a d@t£ by 8pm, it’s 5minutes after.

So unusual for a hold up, at night.

I continued to honk, then after about 2 minutes, the road was finally clear.

“I’m so late” I cursed out.

I drove speedily to the restaurant and it’s now 8:20.

I hope my d@t£ isn’t mad.

I put a rose I bought for Faye in my pocket.

I entered the restaurant, but Faye hasn’t arrived yet.

I went to the only seat that was empty, I sat there.

But I noticed there was a purse on the table.

Guess, this is someone seat after all.

I waited patiently for Faye


She hasn’t yet arrived, why isn’t she here?

Did I offend her?

Did she change her mind, what could be the hold up.

I put a call to her number.

Then the purse in front of me, Vibr@ted.

I st©pped the call and it st©pped.

“Strange ”

I called again and the purse vibr@ted, I carried the purse and opened it.

I saw Faye’s phone ringing, with my name as the caller.

“What the hell”

Her phone and purse is here, that mean she c@mÂŁ since and maybe went to get something

But it’s up to 30 minutes and she didn’t come to take her purse.

Something is wrong.

“Hey waiter” I called out and he c@m£.

“Did you perhaps saw the lady that sat here? ” I asked

“Yes sir, she c@m£ here with a guy and they went out and didn’t return ” he responded

Faye’s POV

I opened my eyes slowly as I woke up with a spinning head.

I noticed that my hands were chained up to a rail above my head.

My legs too was chained to the floor.

I struggle to pu-ll my hands from the chain

“Faye, you’re awake? ” I heard besides me.

I turned and saw Miles besides me chained up

“Miles, what are we doing here? ” I asked him.

Glad I’m not alone.

“We were kidnapped, I think ” he replied.

I looked at the surrounding and we were in a basement or sort.

Then I remembered, that Keith covered an handkerchief on my nose ma-king me unconscious.

“I can’t believe Keith would be so cold-hearted to kidnap me” I said so angry.

“I don’t think that’s Keith because he abducted me too” miles defended and i scoff.

“How did you get here? ” I asked miles

“Well, after you went to meet Keith, I wanted to meet him too, but I saw how he was dragging you to the car I knew something was fishy, I tried to confront him but he punched me ”

“I’ve known my brother for so long, that is unlike him” Miles said.

“But I saw him, he kidnapped me? Maybe he’s just getting revenge for ma-king him lose the factory ” I said in disgust.

“I never should’ve trusted him, I wished I didn’t go on this stupid d@t£ ” I cried out.

I can’t believe Keith would chain me up here.

Then the door squeak open, with Keith coming in with a sm-irk.

“You son of a bit-ch” I yelled in frustration.

“What ever you may call me, I don’t care” he chuckled.

“Keith st©p this, this is Not like you ” Miles tried sweet talking but Keith chuckled.

“I don’t care, I just want revenge from Faye ” he said coming closer and my eyes wi-de-ned.

“Don’t take a step closer to her” Miles warned, but he beat miles up.

“Wanna get in my way, you’ll regret ” he told miles.

And I cried “Keith plea-se don’t do this ” I begged.

“I must get my revenge and the perfect revenge is plea-sure” he said.

And I whimpered as he c@mÂŁ and trail his f!ngersfrom my hands down to myl-ips.

“plea-se don’t do this” I kept on begging.

Then he brou-ght hisl-ips closer to mine and was about to k!ssme, but I closed myl-ips ti-ght.

He moved hisl-ips over to my ears and Whispered.

“I am not Keith, I am Chris Stanley ”16

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