“Good morning,” Heather greeted Purity as she stepped into her office.

“Morning, Heather,” Purity replied cheerfully.

Heather noticed her boss was dressed in a casual wear- a denim jean and long sleeve shirt. Was this the Purity she knew?

“Any updates?” Purity asked absent-mindly. She found herself thinking of Jeremy. Looking forward to having a great evening with him. He was different. She’d actually spent the night in his room, on his great bed. He slept on on of the guest rooms. He insisted she slept in his room. Called her parents to know she’d be sleeping over. The morning came, they had a wonderful breakfast prepared by Jeremy himself. She saw herself fitting into the family. She really longed to be there, a part of them. She was starting to love Edwin Broderick. The clothes she actually wore to the office belonged to Jeremy’s mom. They had persuaded her to wear it and she had given in.

“Um… Yeah. The financial problems we’re passing through is almost over. The Broderick’s decided to help us. Within two weeks, they’d be merging. You’ll be working directly under J. Broderick. The company’s CEO. There’s going to be a meeting this afternoon to discuss the other details. You have to be there.” Heather concluded.

They finally saved us. They hadn’t married yet. Her father was right. It wasn’t all about the company, but the marriage. She hoped never to let him down. She’d be working directly under Jeremy? If she would be married to him, she’d resign and look for a job elsewhere. With Jeremy in her work place, she’d never concentrate. She’d now have a boss- for the first time.
“Thanks. About the meeting this afternoon, I won’t be around. I’ll call my papa, he’ll handle it.” She had many things on her mind.

“Miss,” Heather called to her. “Did you just thank me?”

“I did?” She had. She’d learnt to thank people the hard way. “Oh, yeah. Its nothing.”

“Okay. J. Broderick, isn’t he the Jeremy that was here yesterday? Said he was your fiance?”

Purity glared at her. “How many people have you told?”

“No one.”

“Good. Keep your mouth shut. Not a word of this to anyone.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Purity smiled. “Have a nice day, Heather.”

Purity walked out of the building and was headed to the parking lot. Someone accidentally bumped into her.

“Watch it, bitch!” the woman screamed at her.

“Excuse me? You are the one who’s supposed to watch your steps. You bumped into me!” Purity yelled.

The woman eyed her. Her green eyes sternly glowering at her. She was dressed in a mini gown, it exposed her cleavage as well as other parts of her body. Her feet were covered with Wellington boots. Her dark hair flying as the wind caressed her face.
“You lack manners,” she muttered.

Purity flushed with anger. She slapped the woman standing before her. “That’s to show you that I really do lack manners.”

The woman’s face turned red. She tried to slap Purity. Purity was fast, she caught her hand mid-air. “I am Purity Theodore. No one crosses my path and gets away free.”

“So this is you?” the woman questioned. “This bitch, you?” she tried attacking Purity.

The security guards that had been observing the show caught the strange woman. Stopping her from attacking their boss. Two of them held her firmly, placing her hands to her back. She struggled, but couldn’t free herself.

Purity smirked to herself, triumphantly. “Do any of you know this slut?”

The looked at each other and shook their heads.

“I don’t know her either. Listen to me you whore, I don’t know who you are neither do I care to. I want you to leave this premises and never come back if you don’t want to spend the rest of your reading life in jail. I’m sure its hell already. Looks like your lover stood you up.” She dug out her new cell phone from the purse she carried. She took a picture of this strange lady. “I don’t know why I’m doing this, but I have a feeling it’ll have a good result. Throw this prostitute out of my company!”

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