Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 47


When we got outside we headed to the cafeteria as usual but this time we decide not to study today so we headed to the sports arena, we went to the football field and picked a spot among the spectators seat and started a conversation. Halfway into the conversation I remembered something then asked, Elena how was the date yesterday, I thought you guys won’t asked she said in reply, then David said, well we’ve asked already so please tell us about yesterday’s evening, what do you guys want to hear exactly? she asked giving us a suspicious gaze. You know, we want to hear things like how sweet he was? Did he buy you flowers and also did he kiss you David asked with an excited look, seriously? Are you saying this right now I asked looking at him with a frowned expression, as for Elena she was trying to contain the laughter that was coming from her mouth. When she regained herself she spoke, first of all he was certainly not by any means sweet, any word I would use to describe him presently would be bitter and yes he sure bought me flowers which I accepted just to give him some face, lastly we didn’t have any kiss, Jesus! I can’t even imagine him touching me with those filthy hands of his she said shivering with her hands hugging herself tightly. I smiled when I saw her like that then I asked, so what did you guys say to each other? Well we didn’t talk much, after some boring minutes with him he was like, Elena I wants us to be really close friends, like in the boyfriend and girlfriend way, I will be there for you blah.. blah.. blah.. and the rest that I can’t remember she said mimicking the head boy’s voice. I couldn’t help but laugh loudly as I thought about how his face would be when he was saying those words, David then asked, so you left after saying no to him? Yes I left when my driver sent me a text which said that some people who he suspected to be bloggers had noticed my presence in the restaurant she said simply, as we were talking I noticed someone sitting a few meters away from us, when I looked closer at the person I noticed it was Anna and it looked she was studying alone, then a certain Idea came into my mind.

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