Episode 31

~Alexandra POV : +

This is all my fault….

I shouldn’t have come to meet him. But I have no idea this will going to happen. 94

Xander. I miss him. I shouldn’t have lied to him. I should have listened to him. 50

Tears fall down from my eyes as I look at Harrison, who is Xander’s man along with another guy with blonde hair, i see sometimes at the house.

Harrison and that Blondie are leaning against the wall of this creepy room. Their hands and feets are chained to the wall. But the chains look different not the regular ones.

Whereas I am tied to the chair with the ropes. My wrists are bruised and my head hurts by the force Justin had gripped my hair. Another sob leaves my body as I remember how he had manhandled me. 26

I just hope Xander finds me soon.

But what is happening? Who is Justin? Why is he doing this? 7

The single light bulb flickers over my head. It all happened in just a blink of my eyes.

One minute, Justin was advancing toward me and gripped by hairs, the other minute, Harrison came barging through the door along with the other guy. Then the next minute, so many men surrounded us and inject something on their necks.

I have the feeling that this is all planned. But why? 20

I hear groaning and I look at the guys to see, one of them moving his head slightly.

“Fucking hell. It sure hurts like bitçh.” He grumbles and lifts his head to look at him then his eyes set on me.

“Queen. Are you alright? ” The Blondie asks me in hurry, his voice shows worry then he tries to move but hiss in pain. He looks at the chains around his wrist and ankles then growls as his eyes turn black. 7

I jump in my seat, scared of him now. I know Xander is a vampire and I trust him that he won’t hurt me but I don’t know about other vampires though.

“Stop growling, you dimwitt, you are scaring our Queen.” Someone snaps and our head snaps at Harrison who is now looking at me with concentration. 11

I blush under his gaze and the word ‘Queen.’

“I am sorry,Queen.” Blondie says almost sheepishly as his eyes turn back to its normal green color. 25

“Call me Alex,please.” I smile slightly at them and wipe my tears by rubbing my cheeks on my shoulder. 10

“I am Harrison. ” I nod at him. 3

“I am Matt and I’m his cousin.” The blondie says and grins at me. He is cute with one dimple. 101

We just look at each other for sometimes then we hear footsteps. Harrison and Matt look alarmed while I look at the door with wide fearful eyes.

“So so so… Nice to meet you guys, again..” Justin mocks as he looks at us.

“Unchain me then I will tell you, how nice it is to meet you.” Matt hisses and shows him his elongated canines. 15

“Ooooo. I am scared. ” Justin puts his hands up in mocking surrender and smirks. 17

“Let me go, please. ” I whisper as more tears start to fall by looking at him. He was not like this. He was so sweet. This is not him.

He looks at me with raised eyebrows as he crosses his arms over his chest.

“And why would I ?” 4

“Please. ” I whisper again and look in his eyes to find the Justin I used to know. 12

“You are stupid if you think I am going to let you go after I have caught you. I knew that your beloved vampire- ” my eyes become wider if that is possible at hearing those words. He knows? But how? 6

“-won’t going to let you come alone to meet me so whether he will come by himself or send his dogs. So I see, he sent his dogs. “

I was speechless. He knows Xander? But how is that possible? 1

“I am looking by your expression that you are surprised to find that I know about that vampire boyfriend of yours. ” He chuckles before coming towards me and kneeling in front of me.

“I know everything about you, sweetheart. Everything about you and him. ” He tells and puts his hand on my thigh. His hands used to excite me but now his touch seems like burning a hole in my skin. 23

“Take your hands off her. ” Harrison growls. Justin keeps looking at me as he replies to him.

“Or what? “

“Or I will going to-” I cut Matt off. 11

“How? Why? ” These are the only questions that seem to leave my mouth. 1

“Hmm. Interesting questions. ” He hums as he stands up again and moves towards Harrison and Matt while they both glare at him.

He grabs Harrison’s hairs and pulls his head backward while looking at me. Harrison yanks his head.

“These are vampires as you can see. ” His voice holds amusement.

“And I don’t think I have to tell you who vampires are now,do I?”

“So.. to stop these blood sucking monsters someone has to take it upon them to stop them. There is where we come. ” he opens his arms, wide and grins at me.

I look at him in confusion. To stop the vampires?

My mouth hangs open in disbelief. I hadn’t imagined him to be that.

“Hunters. Vampire Hunters. ” I whisper looking at him in disbelief. 49

“Tada!!” He exclaims happily. 30

I look at him now like really look at him.I try to put the pieces together and resemble the similarities in him and the vampire hunters, meI saw that day when I and Xander were attacked.

Then it clicks, that man who had dragged me in his car was so alike Justin. With that brown hair and the face look.

That man was like the older version of Justin that means he must be his dad. 10

A gasp escapes his lips that make Justin looks at me with curiosity. 2

“You remember something, don’t you? ” He walks towards me flexing his fingers. He stops in front of me and lifts my head up using his chin. 11

“Tell me what is it? ” he asks me. I shake my head in negative. How can I tell him I had heard his father’s screams and I think he is dead?

“Tell me. ” All amusement vanish from his voice. I shake my head again.

He grips my hairs again and pulls them back with force. 2

Harrison and Matt start yanking their chains but hissing in the process. 6

Justin tsks at them.

“It’s vervain. You’re wasting your energy. ” he rolls his eyes. 20

Vervain, Xander had told me about it. That’s why they are unable to get free from those chains because they have vervain in them.

He turns his face towards me again but suddenly a phone starts ringing. He sighs before pulling back and attending the call.

“Yeah… Okay….. Wait for me.” He ends the call before giving us one last look and leaving the room.

I relax visibly and look at Matt and Harrison. I must admit that having them with me, minimizes my fear. Being kidnapped with someone is better than being kidnapped alone, I guess. 75

“What are we going to do now? ” I ask them in a whisper. Matt looks at Harrison , also waiting for an answer while Harrison purses his lips.

“We have to wait. ” he replies.

“Wait for? ” Matt voices my own thought.

“For King to find us. ” Matt nods while I think in silence. How long will it take him to find us? What if Justin does something terrible to us?

“God. ” I grumble.

“How long has it been? ” Matt asks while Harrison shrugs his shoulders slumping against the wall again.

I close my eyes thinking about Xander and how he will going to get us free without getting hurt, himself. 9

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