Episode 34

Xander’s POV:

“I don’t care who you kill and drink-” I smirk and my men chuckle.

“Just make sure our Queen won’t get hurt.” I completed addressing my men. I give them all a quick glance and nod to myself when i found them concentrated on only one thing which is just a few distance ahead of us.

Yes, we finally found them but i’m frightened. Frighten not because of those motherfu*ckers but because of my Lexi. I hope she is fine. It’s been four days.

Yes, four days. I couldn’t find her anywhere. We checked all their warehouses, all their hiding spots but it seemed like they just disappeared. I hadn’t given a fu*ck about them if they wouldn’t have Lexi with them. But unfortunately, they have my life, the reason for my living, with them and i will be damned if i let them take her away from me. 9

That Justin Whittaker will be going to pay for even touching her.

I was tolerating him just because he was Lexi’s so called friend and a human! Or so i thought but now that i know who he is. No one can save him from me not even Lexi. I clench my hands into fists at the thought of him, touching her. 3

But now that i have found her, i will be going to make sure no one touches her.If i have to lock her up or tie her to bed, i will do it. If something happens to her now, i will set the whole world on fire. Justin will pay for hurting her. i am going to make sure of that.

He will suffer. Soon.

If he had taken her across the world, i would still be able to find her. I was a mess these past days not having her by my side,not being able to see her smile,her face, her eyes, was killing me slowly. I can’t function without her. 15

“Keep your eyes on everything around here. Make sure nothing go unnoticed. They will be prepared for us because they know i will come to get Alexandra one way or another. Keep your eyes and ears open. We will attack at night so make sure we have everything we need.” I order my men and they all nod.

Luckily, these hunters are human. Yes, they have the ability to know when vampires are near but they are still human which means a simple bullet can do the deed of killing them,i smirk. 11

We will be going to have so much fun. 13

” I am coming,love. And then i will make sure nobody take you away from me.” I whisper.

  • 4

“It’s time.” I growl as i let my vampire side takes control over me. My eyes turning red with rage and fury. My men distance themselves away from me after seeing my eyes. Our eyes turn red when we feel a emotion very strongly and rage is only thing i am feeling right now. 11

We speed towards Hunter’s territory which is in the middle of this secluded area. It is actually a forest which is forbidden for humans because it has some wild animals. I am going to make those hunters’ the food for those animals. 2

They are close, we can smell them. We scan the area and smirk.We can see them from even a mile.

“Kill them all.” I whisper with a smile and move forward toward a man hiding behind a tree with a gun in his one hand and a wooden stake in another hand. 1

Of course, they have vervain in the bullets.

They start shooting from everywhere and we dodge them using our speed. The man behind the tree steps aside raising his gun at me. I speed and move around him. He looks around, clearly confused about where i went. 2

“Boo.” i whisper at his ear as he turns around but i grab his neck and snap.I throw his body on the ground before finding other targets, snapping their necks.

Kill everyone who comes in my way.KILL. KILL. 37

My mind starts chanting to kill everyone and i am killing them, gladly . 1

“AHHH.” My eyes snap towards the voice to see one of my men, grabbing the stake which is on his chest before pulling it out. He stumbles and falls on the ground, dead.

I clench my jaw as the need to kill increases. They are in great number but still, they are human which means they don’t have abilities like us.I don’t know how long it has been but I keep fighting until i reach the house. I have to reach Alexandra and finally, i reach close enough to the house.

My men also come behind me, waiting for my command, looking around for any danger.

“Are they all dead? ” I ask, Jackson, who has also joined us. Alexandra is their Queen, they all want to help me to get their Queen back. It is loyalty that runs deep in our veins. 22

“Yeah.” He growls, rolling his shoulders. He also has some blood in his shoulder, there is stake wound which is healing already. I told you about our abilities, yes?

“How many did we lost?” I ask, looking around before fixing my gaze on the house which looks too quiet for my liking, considering the fact the hell just breaks loose outside it. They are definitely up to something.

“Not much.” I heard him reply.

“I want all of you to be careful now.These bastards are definitely up to something.Be on guard. And i am warning you again , make sure not to hurt your Queen, kill everyone but leave that Whittaker for me, yes? “

They all growls as their instinct to kill, heightened. I can feel it in the air, the urge to kill, is hanging over us. But my mind is full of Lexi and making sure she is safe.

“NOW!” I exclaim.

We were about to step close to the house that has my Lexi and Harrison, Matt in it when suddenly, a fire erupted in a distance around the house in a circle. We all stop in our tracks our eyes taking in the scene as hunters come out from the house and start shooting at us. We run in the circle around the house, dodging bullets. I have to think of something to get through it.

I broke a tree branch before throwing it at one of them with full force, pierce my men follow my actions. The branch pierces through the chest of one of the hunters.Then one by one, they start to go down. Some of my men falling in the ground also, possibly by being shot. But they will gain their energy back.

” I am going through it.” I yell at my men before running toward the fire. Panic grips my heart as i start to have memories of my burnt house, my dead parents but i shove them aside as Alexandra’s face comes in my mind.

I have to do this. For her.

” For you.” I whisper as run through the fire. Fire licks the skin of my arms, suffocating me but i hurriedly take off my shirt. I saw the fire licks my whole shirt,burning it into ashes. I look around to find that my men have also passed through the fire, some are burnt also from arms but they are trying to put it off. 5

I move forward to help one of them when suddenly it seems like the time has stopped and i jerk forward with the force. I look down at my chest and there is a stake piercing my skin.

“King!!” I heard my men yell as they try to fight and dodge the stakes and bullets.

I turn around my hand, grabbing the stake and look at the person who dares to do this. I tilt my head on the side when i see the triumph expression on his face. I smile,cheekily at him which makes him look at me in confusion.

“Missed the heart,mate.” I tell him and pull the stake out of my chest. My wound starts healing, immediately. 110

The hunter looks at me in disbelief which turns into fear as i gaze at him with rage.

“Let me teach you to do this correctly, yes?” I grin at him while he shakes his head stumbling back. I take a hold of his hands , tightly hearing the cracks of bones breaking as he screams to stop. I tsk at him and make him grab the stake instead.

“Now take a hold of this, yeah?” I turn his arms towards himself as he keeps screaming. The more they scream, the more i enjoy.

“Now right through the heart, like this!” I exclaim and push the stake through his heart. I watch as life leaves his eyes and he falls on the ground. 66

I clench my jaw and start killing every single person that cross my path. I have to get my Alexandra , they are wasting my time. They know they don’t have a chance Infront of us , still trying their pathetic attempts to kill us. I shake my head and move towards the house’s door. 1

I push the door open in alert and quickly move out of the way as a bullet shot infront of me. My men follow me in also dodging the bullets that were shot at us. Nicholas came beside me as i snap the neck of the hunter.

“Boss, we should go and find our Queen, let others deal with the rest.” I nod before moving towards the stairs.

“I am coming also.” I heard Jackson before he comes infront of me and killing the hunter that tried to stop us. 16

“We have to be quick.” I order them speeding upstairs,fighting people off. 5

We reach first floor but Nicholas told me she was not here so we make our way to the second and last floor. Crimson blood was splattered everywhere, on the floor, ceiling , on the walls.

My men move ahead of me, clearing my way in a second before i reach the last door. My heart beating rapidly in my heart in excitement to finally see my mate and also in fear of what will be waiting for me at the other side of this door. I gulp and take a deep breath and flex my arms. My fists clenching and unclenching.

I can hear her scent, her sweet aroma fills my nostrils, calming me down.

She is here.

A small smile curves my lips at the thought of reuniting with my beloved.

I push the door open and my smile falters as i take in the sight infront of me. It felt like I was hit by a deja vu before my face turns into fury and rage. 1

I will kill this son of the b*tch.

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