Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 28

Authoress p.o.v

. “Mr Cole the doctor asked you to see him in his office the result is out” A nurse said. “can I come with him” Tonia asked. “No Mr Cole only” the nurse replied. and Tonia roll her eyes.

“You said you wanna see me?” Sandra asked. “yes I want to see you, I just wanna beg you please give me a chance I really love I am not joking” Andrew said.

“but I and your brother” Andrew didn’t let her complete her word before he cut in. “that doesn’t matter my heart knew you and my brother once have a thing together before he choose you. I love you I really do” Andrew said.

“what about your parents cause your mother saw me the last time I came to your house with Xander” Sandra said.

“my mum is a very nice person she will understand” Andrew said. “are you sure I don’t want to hear my mother didn’t want me to marry you cause you have s*x with Xander” Sandra said.

“trust me she can’t say anything” Andrew said. “okay” Sandra said. “does that mean you have agree to be my girlfriend?” Andrew asked.

“I Didn’t say that” Sandra replied with a blush. “you don’t need to talk it’s written all over your face” Andrew said and Sandra smile. “so what are we?” Sandra asked.

“Enemy” Andrew replied with a smirk. “you’re not serious” Sandra said. “only for you baby” Andrew replied and Sandra smile.

“Awww I have finally gotten myself a girlfriend mum will be happy with me” Andrew said. “I have not even say yes to your request” Sandra said.

“are you sure you haven’t say yes?” Andrew asked and carry her. “drop me you pervert” Sandra said smiling.

“good afternoon Mr Cole” the doctor greet. “Afternoon Mr” Xander replied.

“we are happy to see you” the doctor said. “go straight to the point Mr I am not here for chit chat” Xander said.

“alright sir congratulations the son is yours” the doctor said smiling and stretched his hand forward for hand shake. Xander glare at the hand angrily.

“No this is not possible are you sure this result is mine?” Xander asked.

“yes sir you can check another hospital if you’re doubting us, you know am your family doctor and this is your family hospital we have know each other for long so I can’t possibly lie to you” the doctor said.

“Thank you Mr John” Xander said and went out. “how is it” Alora asked.

“it’s not fine at all” Xander replied. “what did you mean that’s not fine?” Alora asked and Xander handover the result to her. “I don’t know if I should be happy or sad” Alora said.

Tonia collected the paper from her and read she laughed and a little dance. “congratulations my son” Tonia said and hug her son.

Everett was speechless. “why is he hugging me, she has never hug me before” Everett thought.

“when is our wedding” Tonia asked Xander. and Alora burst out laughing. you make me laugh hard at has been long I laughed like this, you think Xander can get married to someone like you? you must be joking Xander can never get married to someone like you” Alora said and went out with Xander and Everett. “where are you talking my son to?” Tonia asked.

“we are talking him to where he belong” Alora replied. “Am very sorry” Xander said. “Keep it we don’t need it here” Alora said. They get to the house and Alora prepare food for Everett.

Everett eat to his satisfaction and smile to Alora. “you’re very nice, why are you taking care of me like your own son?” Everett asked Alora.

“because you’re a very lovely boy, God won’t forgive me if I don’t take good care of you” Alora replied him.

“Everett smile. it has been long I smile like this my mum always make me sad I wish you are my mum” Everett said.

“don’t worry all will be fine I promise you” Alora replied. “where’s my mum is she not coming back to the house?” Everett asked. “she will soon be here” Alora replied him.

“What did you wanna do now that Everett is your son” Alora asked.

“there’s nothing I can do I will have to conduct another test and if it come out positive again I will send her and her son out.

I don’t need them” Xander said. “you dare not send the boy out, you wanna send your first child out because of me, look here let me advise you, women can decide to go anytime she wants but your son is your family he will always be there for you. we aren’t even married, our relationship isn’t up to a month and you’re planning on send your first child your future out because of me.

I love you and I will always stand by you. the only advice I have for you is to look for a way and send Tonia or what’s her name without going with the child.

that child need you, he have suffered alot in the hand of the beast he calls a mother” Alora said.

Xander does some thinking. “you’re a very strong and understanding. you’re not even angry I thanks l God for giving you to me am sorry for all the pains I cause you cause I knew you are going through Alot you just don’t wanna show it” Xander said and hug her.

“go out there and makes Everett happy let him know you loves him” Alora said. “Alright thank you for being there for me” Xander said and rushed out.

Alora Lock the door and burst into fresh tears. “why me? I acted strong but am not strong what am I even saying am strong, strong people don’t use to cry right” she said and burst into laughter.

“Why will they leave me here, I didn’t even come with my car so bad. she said. it not bad if I say hi to my father and mother inlaw to be” Tonia said and board a cab to Xander parent house.

“Tonia is this you?” Mrs Cole asked and hug Tonia happily. “yes mum I have missed you, I missed you guys Alot where’s dad?” Tonia asked. “he is in the room he will soon join us” Mrs Cole said.

“I heard you have given birth?” Mrs Cole asked.

“yes mum who told you?” Tonia asked. “someone that came across you in Singapore told me” Mrs Cole said.

“that’s nice am happy you knew about your grandson” Tonia said.

“Yeah he’s my grandson how’s the father doing am sure you will have get married without our consent” Mrs Cole said and Tonia smile.

“I came back to fix things right with my baby father” Tonia said.

“oh that’s nice, who’s your baby father and where’s your baby?” Mrs Cole asked.

” Xander is my baby father, and my son is fine” Tonia replied.

“Oh Xander did your friend knew about it?” Mrs Cole asked.

“yeah he’s the father of my baby and we are planning our marriage” Tonia said.

“What!!!!!! Xander, Am very sure you’re joking it is not my Xander” Mrs Cole said.

“he is yours” Tonia replied.

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