Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 30


I was happy I ate with Arthur, I then stood and started walking to my room, as I climbed up the stairs, maybe because I was still savoring the moment I ate in the same dish with Arthur, my leg slipped and I fell.

My stomach hurts and I let out a scream in pain.

Diana appeared like wind before me and carried me at once.

“Ambulance!” She shouted as she carried me outside.

“No, no, I’ll be fine…I just need to rest.” I said to Diana after she had carried me to the living room.

“Are you sure?” She asked.

“Yes.” I answered and groaned more in pain.

Arthur appeared and Diana quickly explained what happened to him.

Arthur walked swiftly to me and touched my belly: “Are you alright?”

“It hurts a little.” I was been truthful.

“Take her back to her room.” He commanded.

“Yes young master.” Diana answered and carried me back to my room.

She laid me down gently.

Arthur then came to me and sat beside me.

He was with a cream.

“This will help releive the pain.” He said and spilled out a portion of the cream.

Diana had already walked at that time.

He rubbed the cream in his hand and began to rub my belly with it.

I felt relieved indeed

“Thank you.” I said softly and began to feel dizzy.

“I just want the baby to be fine.” He said.

“How about me?” I almost asked. My mouth was opened but I didn’t utter those words.

I just swallowed those words back and closed my eye.

“I can see that you are dizzy, I will watch you till you are asleep.” He said.

I tried to raise my head but I was feeling too dizzy to even lift my eye brows, I then slept off.

I woke up many hours later and still saw Arthur beside me.

He was starting at me.

I guess I didn’t sleep long then

I checked my watch and found out that I had slept for four hours, it was 12:23AM in the mid night.

“I’m sorry for keeping you awake till now.” I said.

“I just want to ensure the baby is fine.” He answered again with an indifferent look.

I guess he really did not care about me, he seems to care about the pregnancy.

“Sir…erm…you care about the baby alone right?” I was finally able to ask.

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