Episode 15

When Tiara entered her room,she la!d still on the floor with eyes wide open and began thinking again of had taken place in the hospital. If only Fiona knew who Paul was,if only she knew Paul killed their father forcing her to finish the damn job that he had started, he forced her to kill her father. She had never killed anyone but now she counts her father as her first kill and that was the reason she must see to the revenge,she must avenge her father’s death.
Fiona doesn’t know who Joshua is. Joshua would kill her if the need arises without battling an eyelid. Joshua was like his father; good on the outside but a monster on the inside. Not that Joshua had shown her any trait that he is a monster but she just assumed he had his father’s bad blood behind his good boy facade.
She was sure Joshua was exactly the same as his father and she was sure he was waiting for the right moment to pounce on Fiona but Fiona was such an idiot.
In this circumstances, she would have preferred Liza. It was never in her plan for Liza to involved in the revenge scheme, it would be too damaging for Liza,she was still a little kid and she doesn’t want that kind of life for her kid sister but with the way things are going or the way Fiona keeps damaging her plans,it was time to bring in Liza but that would be after Fiona had paid for the betrayal, for everything and would pay dearly.

When Fiona got to the kitchen, she felt the urge to eat the rice but decided against it when she remembered that Tiara hardly and Tiara just happened to cook when she had really upset her and Tiara hardly said anything except that she trusts her but she knew better.
In fact she doesn’t feel safe living in the same house as Tiara. She loves Tiara but her sister was gradually transforming into a monster and she needs to be stopped and she was almost sure Tiara would thank her for it someday but right now,it was time to start the good work.

The Michaels sisters went to bed,one thinking of punishing the other for betrayal and the other thinking of gathering evidence against the other before she transforms to a monster.

Weeks had gone by, Joshua and Fiona’s love had increased for each other. Tiara’s taste for revenge increased and more importantly, Robert and Daniel had gone to visit Paul hoping he could spill some information but they were unfortunately surprised when they saw their friend looking the way he was and Robert concluded it was nemesis but Daniel said it has more to do with nemesis and he promised he would investigate but forgot all about it when he saw his mistress’ face. Robert on the other hand,still believed something was happening but it was something he couldn’t but his hands on.
He thought he was prepared for anything life had to offer but seeing Paul,he knew he wasn’t half prepared. He doesn’t want to end up like Paul, he would prefer death than live like that. For what it’s worth, he should enjoy his life and nemesis be damned

He checked his watch and knew exactly where Daniel would be and he smiled,if only Daniel knew his mistress had kept him busy all those weeks he had traveled with his family in in a vocation and he had enjoyed every single bit of it.

When Pedro got to Tiara’s house, she was seated on one of the white leather sofas wearing a white chiffon gown watching what she had no interest in and he could tell from her eyes that she was lonely and the way her mouth tightened around it’s corners, shows she trays really hard to conceal a very powerful secret.
Pedro had with him a file of all members of the board of Obiaku’s Worldwide. It was time to make a move on Robert Obiaku
“Pedro”,Tiara said when she became aware of his presence
“Tiara,how are you?”
“Fine. Do you have the reports?”
“Did you get enough sleep yesterday?”
“Yes,Pedro,I did”
“You don’t look alright to me. Are you bothered, Tiara?”
“I said I’m fine, Pedro. Now,do you have the reports?”,she asked curtly
“Well,read them to me”
“What? Why?”
“Until you take a two hour nap”
“Pedro,you do realize you work for me”
“Yes and you do realize I could resign anytime”
“I could send Sam,Joseph and Victoria to do the research for me”
“And it would take another three weeks”
“C’mon,just two hours. I’ll wait here for you”
She didn’t move
“Tiara,you’re taking this nap and it’s non negotiable”Pedro said
“Fine, two hours”,she said and left for her room.

While going up to her room,she kept telling herself that she let Pedro talk her into sleeping because she needed the sleep and she would ask Pedro to resign when she wakes up.

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