Episode 7

“Good morning dear, how are you?” I asked her one morning.

“Am fine hone, how you doing?” She replied.
“Am good, what happened to you, I was texting you yesterday you didn’t reply?” I asked.
“Am really sorry I left my data on and slept off, I didnt know honestly am really sorry” she said.
“It’s alright, so what’s up this morning?” I ask.

“Nothing much, will be going to lagos for my school stuff, they said they need some documents so mum will take us to lag today” she said.

“Okay, so mum will drive”
“No, mummy don’t like driving far, we will call a driver” she said.

“Can’t your elder brother drive?”
“Mum won’t let him oh” she said.
“Okay, let me know when you are on the way” I said.

“Alright, when are you going to work?” She asked.

“Am going to take my bath now” I said.
“Alright, call me to clean your body” she tease.
“Will definitely” I said and excuse myself.
I walk out from the store to take my bath, after taking my bath I dress up and walk out from the store and onto work things, everything went normal in work till around ten after I finished tidying things, I sat on the cushion chair and as I wanted to open my phone I remember that I have some MP to view on microscope, I went inside the room and switch on the microscope, I took the slide and stain and then started viewing on microscope.

While I was viewing my phone started ringing, I look at the screen and saw Joie, I believe maybe she’s on her way that’s why she want to let me know, I removed my handglove and pick the call putting it on speaker.

“Hello dear” I said.

“I guess you are busy that’s why u can’t come online” she said.

“Yes dear, am into something, are you on your way already?” I asked.

“Nope, am in Lagos already” she answered.
“Waoh, so quick?”

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