Episode 24

Semi final ?
Why can’t this girl leave me alone? I’m trying so hard to make it right again. I have settled her even without owning her a dime except maybe the hospital bills which was my fault.

The police served her a restraining order after her several threats on me and my family. I don’t want to take any of her threats like a pinch of salt. Aram advised me not to take the threats lightly and I should block her number from my phone after serving her the order.

She signed the papers but did not stop sending nudes and romantic messages to my phone.

Bisi must not see or hear any of this. I have been trying to make her forgive me and she was gradually coming around after two months. I don’t want anything that will make her see me as an enemy.

I know is difficult for her to totally forgive but I kept praying and hoping that she will fully come around.

After Abena signed the restrained order she reduced her disturbance but after two weeks she continued.

“Don, is not about signing rubbish form to keep me away from you and the family, is about what you and your wife did to me. I will get my pound of flesh and none of you will be spared. I will get a lawyer to take this up for me. Bisi attacked me and made me lose my pregnancy. You stood watch her beat me up with different weapons and you did nothing. Don. you encouraged her until I passed out and almost died in the process. The child I could have had for you was also gone and you want me to keep calm and do nothing? I will never do that. I will get back at every member of your family. The only way I can drop all this charges and let you and your family to be in peace is for you to come over to my hotel room. Touch me like you did back in Abuja that made me crave for more. I want you Don, and I almost died because of you. So you are owning me big time and the only way to make it up to me is by coming to be with me in my hotel…

That evening I drove to me and Aram usual hangout joint. I showed him the message that Abena has been sending to me. How she want me to come over to meet her at the hotel.

Aram asked me why I have refused to block her from reaching me but I didn’t have answer for that. Probably I forgot to do that or I was occupied with other things and did not remember.

“Are you serious right now Don? What are you still keeping her number for? End everything you have with this lady and focus on your family. You have shown her enough kindness. You owe her nothing again and she will never do anything to you or any members of your family because of the restraining order that she signed. I have asked you before to block her line and any means that she uses to reach you. I don’t understand why you have not done that. Bisi is still finding it difficult to come around and now that she is gradually showing the signs don’t do anything again that will discourage her or make her want to leave you or the marriage. No one and nothing else matters more now than your wife and kids. Abena or whatever he name is just a distraction. Stop letting her get to you or is there more to all this that you aren’t telling me?

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