Episode 7

Jason p.o.v

You will have to go for proper test and if is true that you are pregnant you will have to go for abortion. Cause I don’t have any interest in you and the child. Let go to hospital for the test.

You don’t need to worry I will go for the test myself and get back to you. She said.

Just Know if you are pregnant we don’t have any other option than for you to abort the baby I told her.

Jane p.o.v

This guy dont know who he is playing with. I decided to use pregnancy on him thinking he will marry me if I told him am pregnant is that too much to ask I told my best friend. But this guy don’t love you leave him and let him go she said.

No way I love him and I need him is that too much to asked I said. Is it true you are pregnant she asked. Yes I am but he is not responsible for my pregnancy. Then who is responsible. My boyfriend Chris. I replied why don’t you tell Chris you are pregnant for him that guy really loves you she said.

But o don’t love him anymore I love someone else and the someone else doesn’t love you she shouted. This is the first time she will be raising her voice on me. I don’t care if Chris love me or not I most get Jason. And am going to see his mom.


Natasha p.o.v

I dressed up to meet Jason at the restaurant. Good evening. Am here to see Mr Jason I said. You are miss Natasha right yes. This way ma Mr Jason have been waiting for you at the VIP section.

Enjoy your stay ma. She said as we get there. Good pm Mr Jason. Evening how has your day been. Fine I want to tell you am ready to act as your fake wife I said. Wow I need to call my lawyer cause there’s some rules we will have to follow he said happily.

Shortly after his lawyer arrive. Good day Mr Jason. Evening Mr Derick meet Natasha she have agree to be my fake wife. Natasha meet Mr Derick my lawyer he said. Nice meeting you Mr Derick I said. Let get to business Jason said.

The lawyer open a paper and gave it to me to go through.

I Natasha Collins agree to be Mr Jason fake wife for two month. And agree to the following terms.

  1. To act as Mr Jason wife in public and in front of his family and friends.
  2. Not to nag
  3. Not to release any private information about Mr Jason.
  4. Not to be seen with any other man in public.

I read through the rules it okay by me so how much is the pay I asked. I will pay you 1.5million dollars for the two months wow that’s a lot of money. I also have my rules I said. Ok we are listening.

No sex

No kissing

I need my privacy

That kissing part won’t work cause we need to make it real Jason said. No prob give me pen let me sign. I agree thank you he said happily and hug me.

I need to go. One more thing he said what’s it you have to move in with me and you won’t have time to go for your work again he said he problem. We will be going for dinner at my parents place on Saturday. So you have to move in with me by tomorrow so we can know more about each other he said.

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