Episode 16

A spell is a language of either angels or demons, spell can not be understood by men, demonic spells are understood by demons while angelic spell are understood by angels.

Hence; Spell isn’t pathetic, it’s a language use to communicate with spirits cus they understand, after all, spirits has their languages and those languages are what is called spells to men
Sarah casted a spell, but the spell is a language they understood well, that was what the language meant
“It seems Sarah needs our help, and you Ella, aren’t you suppose to stay with Sarah” Mother Susan said

“I had dropped my soul inside Sarah already, it’s still the same thing mother, nevertheless, after we are done narrating our progress in the assignment you gave is, I will go and stay with her permanently ” Lady Ella said
“Good, you, you and Ella Go now and help Sarah
” Mother Susan commanded two women along with Ella to appear to Sarah immediately.

They appeared to the health center at once
Sarah was happy to see them

The white beings that delivered Robert are two, they are just white beings who were roaming around the earth, they saw Jenny singing the kind of song they love to hear , that was why they helped her , not as if they were precisely sent by the kingdom of light
In the kingdom of light, the first principle is be sent first before you act, you do not help a human unless you are commanded by the king of light.

But these two white beings had disobeyed the the first principle of the king
Lady Ella, Lady Bee and Lady Scarp appeared and saw the angels ready to fight them
Lady Ella moved closer to one of the angel and checked her wing, she realized that her wing does not contain a blue flower, cus if they are sent by the king, a blue flower will appear at the edge of the king

“Let’s take them down” Lady Ella said when she realized that they were not sent by the king
The ladies of the kingdom of power engaged in a duel with the two white beings, the ladies defeated them and tied those two white beings that helped Jenny

“Take them to the kingdom and imprison them there” Lady Ella commanded Lady Scarp and Lady Bee

“Alright” Lady Scarp and Lady Bee said and took the two white beings away to the kingdom of power
Jenny felt pathetic for the two beautiful white beings

“What will I do now?” Jenny thought confusingly

Sarah was happy that the ladies of the kingdom of Power helped her
She still has to pretend to Robert like she meant good for Robert
Sarah moved closer to Robert and placed her palm on his shoulder
“Robert, you told me you like me just now, do you mean it” Sarah asked seductively
She wants Robert to kiss her again so he can love her

“I do not think I mean what I said, I’m confused , I don’t just understand all that is going on here, I think I need to leave” Robert said

Jenny was happy to hear that Robert is ready to leave cus she now knows that Sarah is working for the a strange kingdom while Robert is just as confused as h*ll

Robert put on his footwear, took few of his stuffs and wanted to walk out
“Robert” Sarah called
Robert turned

Sarah can never stand Robert leaving at that junction, she knew that Jenny might disclose whom she really is to Robert

Sarah ran to Robert and forcefully but seductively kissed Robert again

Robert was surprised but before he could even know what was happening, he had being under Sarah’s spell
He’s beginning to Love Sarah so much , his love for Sarah is growing speedily even at that instant
“John, let’s go” Sarah said to John who was still under a spell
Sarah held Robert by his hand and walked away with John
Jenny stood still in shock, she wasn’t hearing any voices like before , she wishes she can do something to help Robert, it seems to her that Robert is the only one that can free her from the curse and now she couldn’t do anything to help her deliverer
Three strangers entered the health center where Jenny stood. two males and one female
“Are you perhaps Jennifer?” The lady among them asked

“Yes, do I know you?” Jenny asked .
“I am Love, my friends here are Peace and Joy, we knew that Robert has being taken by Sarah, we can help” Love said

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