Episode 19

She is tormenting me,she can’t leave me alone.Connie has been appearing in my dreams since the day she was buried.I don’t know what she wants from me.I haven’t slept in months.Everytime I try to close my eyes she is always the day.

The Jones family have tried to help and I had agreed to everything but its not working. The mother thinks I’m going mad,she want me to leave the house but Jay threatened to leave with me. Since then she hasn’t brought up that me leaving story.

There’s a knock on my door.I haven’t received any visitors apart from Jay who sneaks in at night to check up on me.He thinks I don’t know but I know cause I don’t sleep. There’s a knock again.

“Come in,”I screamed for the other person to hear.Standing in front of me is a God on his own,looking so handsome is Tyrol.”I guess high school wasn’t your thing cause you look hot,”I know I said I am sad and all but if you could see what I was looking at right now,even if you were on your dying bed,You’d stand up to just see give him a better eye.
Tyrol had his hair combed backwards,he is wearing formal clothes well only a blazer and got black skinny Jean with his cavelas and of course he is wearing a white shirt with a navy blue tie to match his blazer.He looks so tasty.If he was something to eat,I was going to eat him.He looks at me and smiled. The dimples oh my God the dimples.

“Can you stop looking at me as if I was some God,”he said with a smirk.I hate smirks but he just made me love it,well only his.”You look ugly,”He said,making a disgusting face.If only he knew what was going on.
“Just because you decided to bath today ,you now think you have some rights to judge other people,”I shoot back. He isn’t going to call me ugly and get away with it.
“Well atleast I upgraded,when are you thinking of doing the same? It could do you good. “He shoot back,ohk I must admit that was good. I threw a tissue that has my tears on him.

“Oops I guess I mistaken you to a bin,”he looked at me amused and before he could open his mouth I stopped him “what do you want?”I asked the question that has been in my head since he walked in.
“You remember you promised my mum and I dinner so I came to pick you up,”he let it all out.I actually forgot about that.I don’t think I am even ready for a dinner.”plus you need to get out of the house a little,you’ve been inside too much now,”he told me.
Just a day out won’t kill me,plus seeing him here has made me very happy something that even Jay couldn’t do. I know Jay and I are suppose to be inseparable etcetera but Tyrol gets me.He understands me and he is really funny. “Okay, lemme go get ready ,”I told him.

“Uhm,Cas?”he called after me.
“Yes?”I answered him.
“Please don’t forget to bath,”he smirked more like laughed.
And I showed him the forbidden finger.

I can’t believe I am really doing this,I am so scared. I don’t know how Tyrol’s family is,what if they won’t like me.
Looking around my surroundings beauty is all I am seeing.This place is like a place where only celebrities can stay.The houses here are huge,their gardens are clean everything is in order.

We pull through one of the biggest houses,the yard the size of a football ground.How do they even keep it this clean I wonder.

“This is where you stay?”I asked him.My curiosity couldn’t help but unleash.
“Uhm,Yes it is .Why?”he said it as if it was just an ordinary house.

“Wow this house is huge,you like the only child,why do you’ll need such a big house?” I asked him.

He looked at me and smiled “Well when my brother was still alive,the house was not that big ,”he said looking out of space.
“I am really sorry about your brother,”I told him,I remember him saying that awkward speech for me at the hospital and spoke about his brother but I didn’t focus on that.

He looked at me “it’s fine,this is something I have learn to live with,”he moved his gaze to the garage,where there are about 5 latest cars.This people are loaded.Apart from that,I could see the sadness in him.I am sure his brother’s death has left a big scar on him.I can relate.
“Jump off girl,we are here,”He said jumping off.

“You can’t even open the door for a lady,”I told him.
“When I see one,I will,”He laughed and I can’t help it but laugh too. Trip,trip,trip, I said in my mind and he did trip.That made my day cause I was still laughing even after we entered the heaven. This house is exactly how I picture heaven.Right now I am even scared to sit down.
“Cassy,you can stop gawking at the house and sit down,you look silly”Tyrol said,making himself feel at home.Oh yea this is his home.I swear this place looks impossible.This is the most beautiful house ever.
“Hello son,” a beautiful lady in her mid 40’s walks in. “So this should be the girl you haven’t stopped talking about,”she gestured at me.This just got me blushing more like grinning from ear to ear.So Tyrol talks about me.
“Yes mum,this is Cassidy and thank you for embarrassing me,”He said.She looks at him and smiles and gives him the biggest kiss on his cheek.This reminded me of my mum and I . The pain of loosing her,appeared.The tears ,the tears omg I am about to cry in front of a total stranger.

“Uhm Tyrol,Can you please show me the bathroom?”I asked him.He assesses my face and I think it triggered him ,he shifted away from his mother and gave me the most sympathetic smile ever.He showed me the way.

I did my business and went back where everybody was.

“Come on Cas,dinner is ready,” She told me.
“Okay,thank you,”and we made our way to dinner.

Tyrol and I are sitting him his room talking about random things.I feel way better right now.I look around the house amd I spot a picture of a boy who looks really familiar.
Tyrol follows my gaze,”oh,Cassy,Meet my brother Tyron may he rest in peace,”He told me.This is Tyrol’s brother but he looks really familiar,where do I know him from.

“But I feel like I know him,”I told him.”his face looks really familiar,”I continued.
“Maybe,you know him,maybe you were friends,”He told me.
“Yes probably”.

The picture is still bothering me.I know him but I know he was never my friend,I dont think he was.I know my memory has been bad since the death if my father but I’d remember him.Who is he?
Tyrol stops and I take a look around and we have reached Jay’s house.
“goodnight Cas,Sleep tight,”I can’t sleep tight if Connie and Tyron keeps….

Omg Tyron,Tyron is the boy I’ve been seeing in my dreams with Jay. Tyron has been trying to tell me something in my dreams.Tyron ,the boy in my dream is Tyron,Jay’s brother.
“Why are you looking at me like that,I just said goodnight or you want me to kiss you and be clichè like in the movies,”The idiot dropping me home said.He doesn’t even know that I’ve discovered something bigger than Watson discovering DNA.

“Shut up,Goodnight ,”I told him and jumped off and I think I heard him calling me weirdo.

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