Episode 22

I sat in my office grading student’s papers and recording smile.
A smile came to my face as I remembered the past week,

Rita had spent every day of it at my apartment and we had our intimate times to the full. She had taken it upon herself to prepare my meals thus saving me some stress but I knew trying to grade the papers would be a hard thing to do with her around.
I heard a knock on the door.

” Come in!” I replied to it.
With that the door opened and two tall men came in. The said a ” good morning and I replied.

” Good morning, can I help you?”
Just then the female teacher that was trying to get my attention sexually came in walking briskly.

I felt she has some problems with her phone which she wants me to help also using the opportunity to gain some body contact with me.

I had noticed her now and I could have asked her out but I didn’t want to cheat on Rita.
I offered the men a seat but they declined.
” Are you Mr Callum Wilson?” One of them asked.

” Yes I am” I answered.

” We are police officers and we are here to arrest you.” He said as both of them took out their ID cards and showed it to me.
” Arrest me? For what?” I feigned ignorance.

The female teacher also raised a questioning ebrow to them.

” It for rape.”
” Rape?” The teacher asked almost shouting almost shouting.
” Yes Mr Callum Wilson was being reported that he raped his student by name Mary Jasper.”

Then he turned to me” Mr Wilson, you are under arrest, you have the right to remain silent until you are in the police custody because what you say or do would be used against you in the court of law.

The teacher was dumbfounded and stared at me open-mouthed, the look she fixed on wasn’t a ” I can’t believe you did this” look, it was a ” how did you get yourself into this mess” look.

Her eyes were beginning to water.
” It’s okay Nancy, everything’s gonna be fine.” I assured her.
Then I turned to the man. ” Officer do you mind if I finish recording this before I forget?”

” Oh no not a problem, be my guest.” He replied.

Nancy made to move out and I stopped her. ” Nancy not a word of this to anyone just yet okay?”

She nodded. ” Okay!” She replied, tears had started running down her face.
” Come on clean your eyes, don’t give anything away.”

I watched her whip out her handkerchief as she left.

“There nothing to fear Nancy, Rita has got me covered.” I thought.

I quickly finished the recovering nicely and closed the book.
” Officer we’re good to go.” I said and one opened the door for me while the other followed me closely
They stayed closely behind me as I locked the door and they escorted me to their car. They didn’t raise many eyebrows since they weren’t in their police uniform and also didn’t show up in a police squad car.
I went into the car and the other went in after me sandwiching me between them, I wasn’t afraid as I’m sure Mary would expect me to be, because I knew my camera got me covered.

The driver started the car and they moved out of the school compound. I glanced back at the rear windscreen and I could see Rita outside her classroom standing still and staring at the car that was fast leaving the school with a frown on her face.

I could feel her saying” good luck.”
We got to the police station and the men ushered me into their questioning room, and there was Mary sitting there sobbing pitifully. Her mother was beside her comforting her.
” I don’t know what is wrong with all this male teachers oo, are you the only girl in the school? Was I committing a crime in bringing you to this school? Ehn are you the only fine girl in the school, what really made my daughter to be rape bait?”

The policemen showed me a chair and I sat down opposite Mary and her mother.

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