Episode 27

I glanced at Mary with the corner of my eye and notice her face take on a shocked look.
” Sorry! Did you say a camera?”
” Yes!” I answered boldly” and if you don’t mind you can go with me let me get my laptop from my office, the footage is there.”

” In that case let’s go get it.” The policeman said as I got up.
Mary’s face had taken on a stunned expression now and she was no longer shedding tears profusely. Her unsuspecting mother was only happy that her daughter had stopped crying, but it was only Mary that knew that she would soon be in deep shit as her scheme was about to be uncovered.
I walked out with one policeman following me and the other going ahead of me. We got into the car and drove down to the school compound.

The driver parked the car and the policemen got out with me. I unlocked my office’s door and they got in with me, I moved to the inner room unlocked it, went in and unplugged my laptop. It was only one policeman that followed me inside, the other had stayed behind.

I got out with them, locked the office, then we got in the car and off we go.
I glanced back towards Rita’s classroom and she was there staring at the car I was in.
A fellow student tried to engage her in a conversation and I saw her snap at the girl. I couldn’t make out what they said.
We got to the police station and we went inside the questioning room and I set down my laptop

I could see that Mary’s face had evolved from shock to fear and then finally to anxiety.
I said ” officer like I said, the prove that I am a victim in this whole issue is right here, but first I am going to play the footage of the one you came to arrest me, so you can be sure that it’s no fake but genuine.”
” Go on, Mr Wilson, I’m eager to see it.”
” But you might want to hold her, she seemed ready to destroy the evidence.”
With that the other policeman who hadn’t said a word since we met went and stood behind her.

I then played the footage the policemen first came to arrest me.

The knock on the door sounded quick loud and clear before I said come in. The camera video shot the policemen in various angles and everything they said was loud and clear the camera even zoomed in on the book I was recording scores and showed clearly what was written. The policemen nodded as it was clear that it was genuine.
I also streamed the one they followed me to get my laptop. The other policeman had stared directly into the camera without knowing and laughed when he discovered.
” But seriously I never saw any camera up there,” he said his first words that day.
” It’s because it’s carefully hidden, you would only find it if you know it is there.” I answered with a half smile.

I then played the footage of me and Mary. Mary made to spring up but the policeman was watching and quickly stopped her.
” Calm down young lady.” He said soothingly.

I situated the laptop where everybody could have a clear view of whatever is going on on the screen.

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