Episode 40

The look on Ibro’s face didn’t seem like he
was bluffing, Before Ibro even reached close,
they had all fled.

I found out they weren’t really Cultist, just a
group of boys, trying to rack me up, using
their number to their Advantage.

Even while they were running Ibro was still
chasing them, and yelling at them to stop and

He took me to a clinic where I was treated.

I thanked him a lot, we both left the clinic and
left for home.

I don’t know how Sandra found out, she came
a few hours later.

I was even already asleep when I heard the

“I stood up slowly, in pain and opened the
“Oh my God, what happened to you Jeff” she
screamed, with eyes bulging out.

“Relax dear, it’s nothing serious” I said
She walked into my apartment, threw her bag
on the bed.

Then analysed the Injury through the

“Does it hurt” she asked, gazing at the injury
and glancing at my face in intervals.

“Just a little” I replied.

“What happened?”
“I was being attacked, by a Group of boys” I
She asked the big question I had been hoping
she wouldn’t ask.

“What did you do to them?” she asked.

“Nothing, actually” I replied.

“Are you sure?”
“You know last semester, I made friends after
winning the competition, I also made enemies”
“That’s true!” she said.

“So how are we sure something like this won’t
happen again”
I kept quiet for a while.

“We can’t be sure, but we can be prepared”
She laughed a little.

I skipped class to take some rest, and analyse
my next move, I bought a pocket knife, and
stylishly hid it in wallet.

Two days later, I went to class, After the
second lecture, a girl walked up to me.

She looked Familiar, but I wasn’t sure I knew
her name.

“Jeff I am very upset with you!” she said
“Really? What did i do” I was seated, while she
was standing in front of me.

I was really relaxed, whatever it was I believed
I could handle it.

“I went to the stress, of printing a card,
specially for you, with your name inscribed on
it, and you didn’t come to my birthday party”
“Oh dear! am really sorry”
“Don’t just tell me you’re sorry, i need a good
I laughed a little.

“What if I tell you I was almost murdered, is
that a good reason”
“Am not kidding please!” she said.
“And neither am I” I added.

“What do you mean you were almost killed, by
who, for what reason?”

“Doesn’t matter, what matters is am alive
She stared for some seconds
“Can I have your number?” she said.

“Yeah! Sure! why not?”
I gave it to her.

On Friday evening, One of the company staff
called us all to meet.

I was somewhat upset, I had reserved my
evening to rest and catch some fun.

I Intentionally arrived late, I met them playing
music and dancing.

“Whats going on?” I asked
“Choreography!” the Staff replied.

I joined them, soon I got the move.

The Generator began fluctuating, at first we
thought it was the fuel, but it wasn’t, there
was enough fuel, the fuel was probably not
reaching it’s destination.

While I was happy, this miserable session had
reached a terminal.

NEPA responded positively, we switched the
Fuse and continued playing the music.

After two hours of dancing, it was over.

We began returning the appliances to the
store. Gladys and I began chatting in the
Store, everyone left, save us, she was good
company, we talked about a lot, past, present
and future.

It was about 8pm, when we decided to leave.

I locked the store and was looking for the
staff, to give the key to him.

I didn’t find him, I arrived at a resolution to
keep the key, and show up early the following

Sandra and I were about leaving when I
noticed the bus rocking, from one side to
another, followed by silent m0ans.

I glanced at Gladys, I scrolled through the
apps of my Android phone looking for the
“Torch widget”
I opened the back door of the bus, and
Flashed my Phone.

I didn’t know if I was suppose to scream,
laugh or yell.

It was the Motherfvcking Staff, he was
s——g a lady there, she was trying to use
her hair to cover her face.

But I deciphered her identity, it was Rose.

He was giving it to her from behind, thrusting
and slapping his balls into her ¢unt.

I slowly dropped the keys on the floor of the
bus and turned around to leave, pulling Gladys
along, she looked like she had not seen

We began laughing once we were far away
from them.

The following day, the staff was acting
professional, as if he had not been caught.
Rose continuously stared at me.

We moved from street to street, Playing music
and Choreographing.

It was another successful weekend, coupled
with the fact that our products were less than
Market price.

We got our envelopes, I was gradually
becoming a Big Boy, I had asked my mum not
to bother sending money.

The following day at about 7am, I got a call
from Gladys.

“Hey, Gladys, Good morning”
“Morning Jeff”
“Do you live alone?”
“Yeah, any problem?” I asked
“No, do me a favour, don’t go to church
“O….Kay” I replied
“I want to visit you, send me your address”

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