Episode 36

”Right!! Like you would give up your life for a
stranger ?”

”No!! But you would have to be taken care of, the baby too
 even if I was too immature to think it through.. my father would have made me own up to my mistakes, my flaws
 he would have made sure I took responsibility “‘

”Well” she cleans her nose “You never gave me the benefit of the doubt, you didn’t listen.

I guess we don’t know if the boy Sean would have cared”

”And the man Sean, you think I would run the
other way”‘
She is silent

“Now I understand why you hate me, I see it all clearly now
 you hated me because I left, I didn’t accept a child we both made, you hated me because
 because of me, you and your family had issues, you got separated from them when you left and it burned bridges, you hated me because you had to carry the shame and stigma of being a
single mum, survived it through all alone
hate me because of my absence
 Kiki became
vulnerable to the taunts of not having a father, she became withdrawn and sensitive
 that is why she didn’t have friends right? That is why she feels so
detached around others
 you hate me because of the things you couldn’t do but gave up because of kiki
 right Megan, that is why you hate me?

Because I wasn’t around to avert it all by
accepting, my child?”

”Yes, I hated you because you didn’t, because you didn’t’!” she sobbed ”and when you came back and
Kiki’s sudden attachment to you
 I hated you even more” she says

”Í am sorry Megan, I am truly really sorry” he says trying to touch her arm, his chest is closing, his heart racing, tears fall off his eyes ”I am sorry for not being there for our baby, I am sorry for my lack, my irresponsibility and for everything, for all
that you went through
 for all Kiki had to be put through, I am sorry
 I am here now, and I swear I will make it up to my child, I swear it”

”You can’t make up four years lost Sean”
”No I can’t, but I can make the rest of her life worth it.” He holds his head as it felt like it was expanding and he places a hand to his chest as love washes over him due to the revelation” I can’t believe Kikina
 that she is my daughter I
 I cannot believe that I am a father,” he says turning away from her, cleaning his eyes but more tears fall off
”I am a father Zachary, a father to a
beautiful girl, Kiki is my daughter!!” he says
laughing..”Oh s–t!! It makes sense now, the
 we are both allergic to nuts, and the coughs too, that fever with a cold
oh dang I should have sensed it, I mean
 there was this feeling of warmth when I see her, when her smiles lights up into my eyes
 she looked familiar I told myself once, something familiar about Kiki, well
it’s because she has my blood!! My genes, she is my baby, she is MY GIRL!!” he goes to Zachary who laughs hugging him

”I am a father, a father!!” he goes to her mother and then father, hugging them ”A father !! forgive me.. forgive my absence. Forgive me. I am a
father, a father!!”‘ he hugs a laughing Tonya..

Megan cleans her tears , he comes back to her “‘I promise you Megan, I will be the best father in the world, I will.” He pulls her into a hug crushing her to him ”Forgive me, please forgive me Megan, I
didn’t know, I was stupid
 I was stupid I didn’t know. I will do right by kiki, I will do right starting today by our baby girl. No, she is no mistake Megan
 she isn’t..” he hugs her tight holding her close, she doesn’t struggle, she doesn’t push him
away. ”Forgive me” he begs, she felt his tears on her shoulders “Forgive me!!” he kept repeating as he cries in her hair
As he closes his eyes, it comes flooding back now as the tears flow
 he remembers it all, that day at his house when a girl stood at his door, before then
 earlier, graduation day, him and Zack talking about a party
 then the drinks and juiced drinks,

Zachary running about screaming ”C–k-roach, he staggering upstairs
 the girl
 the ice-cream

making love
 again and again that night. He
remembers it, no wonder he thought he knew her, her scent and taste was etched into his memory

they had brought a child, a beautiful child into the world..

“Forgive me Megan”‘

Her heart breaks ”There is nothing to forgive Sean,

I have no more strengths to hold grudges, it’s a relief actually now, I have no more strength for nothing more. She is our daughter, you better make up for lost times
 that is all”

”I will do more than that” he reassures her
”There is one tiny little detail missing, how are you going to break the news to her that her daddy isn’t in heaven and is not dead but her daddy is Sean?”

Tonia taps her jaw
They all turn to Megan, Sean stares down at her,

she stutters “That one is on you” her parents and everyone points to Megan

”I-I erm i’m sorry about the part that you were dead, it seemed like the best option at the moment, sorry Sean” she bites her lips

”It’s okay
 don’t worry you don’t have to tell her alone, we would do it together”

“I don’t mean to disrupt the family reunion but she is awake now, you can see her briefly” the Doctor interrupts them

”Oh thank God” They are rushing to her room

”You need to wash off those stains from your body so you don’t scare the kid” The Doctor points to them, Sean and Megan stare down at their blood stained cloths. They forgot all about it.

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