Episode 24

He moved closer to us and looked at Helena”what do you think you’re doing? Do you just say your slave?”he asked looking at both of us. “And what does that mean? Who is who’s slave?”he asked looking confused. “Jason I can explain the situation”helena said planning another lie on me again. “I mean she’s not willing to do the modeling, she told me she don’t want to do it and I told her to go back and tell them. Quincy is that not it?”she asked looking at me. I hung my mouth open on hearing all this. Helena is a pro liar I don’t know what to say about it. Should I open up to jason? I thought in my head”quincy answer me, is that not what you said?”she asked again. I looked at her and looked at jason “I never said that helena”I said looking at her. She was surprise by that and I know she’ll be very angry and will threaten to send me out of the school later but that won’t work again because the Dean needs me now, and can’t send me away just like that, all her plans is ruined and am free from her. Jason looked at her badly”so you lied about that? I can’t believe you can do that”he said to helena. “Let’s go”he said holding my hand. Helena looked down at our hands and looked back at me angrily. Jason pulled me along with him until we got outside. “What does helena mean by you been her slave?”he asked me. Since he heard about it, I explained all what happened between us and how she was blackmailing me. Jason feel so bad about it and got really angry at helena. “I now know where your necklace would be”he said. I wonder what he was talking about. “Don’t worry I will get that necklace back from helena”he said looking at me. I then flashed back to when we fought. When she pushed me to the ground she must have remove the necklace then. I thought to myself. “So they want you to do the modeling?”jason asked looking at me. “Yes they want that and I don’t even know why am chosen and not helena again”I said. He looked at me and smiled”it’s because they also have eyes, they know you’re more beautiful”he said smiling. I was blushing on hearing this, he said am beautiful”I thought to myself smiling.

Helena’s POV
I can’t just believe they’re choosing her over me. I won’t take that, I have to do something about it. I thought to myself. I checked the time and it’s 6:30pm students are leaving school already. I picked my bag and head out for my car. I was about to enter the car when I heard someone calling from behind “hey”I heard Jason’s voice. I stopped and was happy he came to me”what is it jason?”I said smiling. But he stretched out his hand to me instead.”you want to drive me home, wow I can’t believe this”I said and tried to place the car key on his hand. “I mean the necklace”he said and my expression changed immediately. “What do you mean”I asked looking at him. “No need to act innocent, I know you have it”he said. “And if I say I dont?”I said looking angry. He sighed and moved closer to me”give it back now if you don’t want the relationship between now us to end”he said looking at me. “You must be kidding me, I said I dont have it”I said to him and entered my car. I locked the doors from inside and starts the engine. He tried opening it but it was locked I looked at him and drove out of the school, I watched my side mirror and can still see him standing there. “You can’t ever get that back from me”I said to myself smiling.

I got to our gate and horned for the security man to opened the gate for me. He opened it and I drove in, I packed my car and stepped out of it. The servants bowed for me as I entered the the big mansion. I just ignored them and went on heading to my room. I sat on my bed and brought out the necklace. I put it in my pocket and went out of my room to go for dinner. I sat on the long couch in the living room waiting for dad and mum to come down for dinner. Jason came In suddenly and that gave me a shock. I quickly stood up in surprise, I can’t believe he will come after me for the necklace. “W…why a…are you here”I asked stammering. He came closer to me”give back the necklace, do you know how much that necklace meant to her?”he asked. I smiled on hearing this”why? so you gave the ring to her?”I asked raising my voice. “What do you mean? Who told you I gave it to her? The necklace is from her dead father, so am begging you give it back please”he said pleading. I dipped my hand in my pocket and brought out the necklace”so you mean you didn’t give her this?”I asked raising the necklace up. “What’s the noise about?”my dad came to us. He looked at both of us”are you guys fighting?”he asked looking at us. Jason bowed his head to my dad greeting him. “What are you guys fighting on this time?”he asked looking at me. I don’t want to tell him about it so I kept quiet. But jason wants to say something, my dad looked at my hand and his expression change. He moved closer to me and took the ring from me”where do you get this? He asked looking at the necklace. I wonder why he’s interested in the necklace. “It’s for a friend of mine that’s what I came to get back from her”jason said looking at my dad. “Who’s that person? Who is it?”he asked raising his voice. “Dad hope there’s no problem”I asked him looking confused. I dont know why he’s interested in the owner of the ring. Why is he acting wield? I thought to myself looking confused.

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