Episode 28

Chad and freddie watched Nora and her strange acting, ..Nora was making a very threatening mind communication with her mother in the water,…

Nora:wat do u want now mother.

Queen:don’t u dare call me your mother,u threw all we have worked for away,but u know wat, I can finally take Freddie,that good for nothing human u failed to bring here.

Nora:pls leave Freddie alone, don’t kill him,don’t even hurt him

Queen:oh sweetie,I don’t know wat is binding u but u re missing opportunity of a life time,think like one of us and act like us.

Nora:no mother,I am more powerful than all of u and u know that,so stay away from me and Freddie and everyone else around Freddie,I am warning u.

Queen:are u threatening me.

Nora:yes I am.

Queen:I don’t know wat has been happening to u since u started staying with that old witch,but I assure u,I will deal with her and freddie,just mark my words.

Nora:u re going too far mother.

Queen:and u re been too good, Nora humans re our enemies,we don’t need them in our life,aren’t u happy of what u are.

Nora:I was happy of wat I am until now I have come to love human and I think I had love to be one of them.

Queen:(gasped)u re out of ur mind,I don’t like all this rubbish u re telling me but trust me,freddie is going down,mark my words.

Nora:mother pls don’t make me hurt u because of Freddie.

Queen:hahaha hurt me?I gave birth to u but trust me,the numbania neckless won’t save Freddie this time, …Nora suddenly jerked back to life making Freddie and Chad startle
”is she ok,”Chad whispered to Freddie, ”re u ok,”Freddie asked Nora whose eyes started to turn sky blue with tears running down her eyes, ”no Freddie am not ok,…she is coming for u,” Nora said, ”coming for me,who the hell is coming for me,”freddie said,he could feel his heart beating, ”my mother,”Nora said and gaze up at Freddie, ”ur mother,what the hell does she want from me,do I look like one of u,”Freddie said sarcastically.

”what the hell does ur mother wants from me,do I look like one of u,”Freddie said sarcastically while Nora stood up and moved closer to freddie but freddie moved back, ”look freddie,this is not a laughing matter,can I talk to u alone,”Nora said and looked at Chad behind freddie and Freddie nodded and walk away while Nora followed him, ”wat did u want to tell me,”Freddie ask while Nora sighed before talking, ”look,days ago I was ask to bring two male spirits in the siren realm for excess power of a life time,I got Chad as my first victim,and u were supposed to be my second victim but I let u go,I didn’t know why I did so,my mother became furious and once ur name is written in the siren book it can never be changed,my mother didn’t even know that I already set Chad free,but she is unto u now,and am sorry the numbania neckless won’t save u this time, ”what!! how did all this happen,how can u get me into this mess,”Freddie panicked with his eyebrows all arched up, ”am sorry”,Nora said staring at Freddie sympathetically with her sweet eyes,Freddie sighed bitterly ”so after they have got me they will come for Chad,”Freddie asked while Nora nodded,the sadness in Freddie eyes made Nora more sad and disappointed in her mother,Nora stood in front of Freddie without moving or doing anything,they both didn’t know wat to say,Nora bits her lips lost in thoughts,why is my mother so heartlesswhy am I being so softis my grandma right about me loving Freddieshould I save Freddie,off course I will save Freddie but wat about Chad,I have got to stop my mother no matter watNora thought, ”so can u help me or think of anything,”Freddie said to Nora looking deep into her eyes, ”well there is a way out,but it is…”, ”it is wat,”Freddie persuaded ”it is stupid and am not sure if u can do it,”Nora said and signed, ”well tell me wat is it,”Freddie said while Nora gave him a look.

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