Episode 32

Chad walked away leaving Nora and freddi alone, ”can I be alone pls,”Freddie asked while Nora nodded and walked away,freddi sat down again and signed real hardit not going to hurtit just a bonding*wat the hell do I know about bonding,”Freddie thought and sighed more,just then Lynn walked in and saw Freddie state,she walked up to him and place her hand on his shoulder ”are u ok,”Lynn asked, ”yes I am ok,” Freddie replied and jerk his shoulder,she knows Freddie is sad and didn’t want to make him more sad so she walked away to her seat but freddie stopped her, ”lynn wait,” Freddie said while Lynn swiftly turned, ”yes”, she replied ”the neckless,I will like to get it back,will u bring it to school tomorrow,” Freddie said while Lynn nodded and walk away and Freddie watched her go, school closed that day and everyone went home while freddie didn’t feel like going home ”i am going to be dead,”he subconscious said to himself and he held his bag firmly ready to leave but searched for Nora but didn’t see her,he sighed softly before heading home.

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