Episode 45

Chad gave Lynn a look that says don’t do it ”well,Nora is not human,”Lynn said and everyone gasped, everyone was shocked when Lynn said Nora wasn’t human,Chad felt like ripping lynn hair out from her head, ”how do we know u re telling us the truth Lynn,”a girl from the back said ”because she is the reason why Freddie hair turned red,she possess Freddie with her witch and sirenic powers,and if u guys think am lying why not go to the beach down town and see wats going on there for urselves,are u guys not wondering why freddie and Nora are not here,so u see, am not lying,”Lynn said and everyone started to murmur that they are all going to the beach to see for themselves,Chad sighed, everyone gasped in shock and Lynn sighed devilishly feeling the anger boiled in her,Chad quickly walked up to Lynn and grabbed her hand, ”what do u think u just did,”Chad asked Lynn angrily ”exposing Nora’s secret,” Lynn replied back with full hatred on her voice ”u know wat Lynn,I once thought Nora was the one who didn’t have a heart, but u are the one,how could u be so cruel,”Chad said with his voice getting horsey, ”am not the cruel one Chad,Freddie is,I gave him my heart but wat did he do, he just smashed it against the ground like it was a pile of nothing,just because of that mermaid called Nora and he even kissed her right in my face, do u know how much that hurts, do u?Chad answer me do u? Lynn yelled and stamped her feet angrily on the floor with tears coming out of her eyes, ”lynn stop being childish ok, Freddie never love u from the beginning,he just like u as a casual friend,and nothing more, why not just accept the fate,” Chad said while Lynn replied, ”never,u re talking nonsense Chad,Freddie is mine,u know wat Chad,u make me sick,”Lynn said to Chad while Chad replied ”i feel like punching ur face so hard,”Chad said threateningly, ”u can’t hit me,I am a girl and guys don’t hit girls,” Lynn said.

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