Episode 21

Anita was suprised to see herself still standing, her life is now wobbling right before her face, her happiness is disappearing, she couldn’t believe she’s mentally strong enough to go over to a chair to sit, maybe the events of the past month has made her stronger.

She sat her right palm holding her cheek, she thought of what to do, pregnant which she haven’t told the owner yet, her daughter, and also Paul coming out of the blue asking for his daughter.

Is he the father of Adesewa?

She can’t even answer that question, she has been having a fling with him then. But Sewa looks like Micheal (Adesewa’s father) now, but Michael couldn’t donate blood for her when she was sick now, maybe that was because he lacks blood, or was their blood not compatible?. Sewa also picks her nose like Micheal now, but she has Paul’s nose, she was so messed up and drained from her deep thought that she slept off.

……….. ………… ……………..

She was running, been chased by a three-headed monster, she has been running, shouting, screaming for the past 30 mins but no help has been coming, twilight is setting in, the monster is not closing in on her, just like it is teasing her, wanting to tire her out before meting out its judgement on her.

She was tiring out, she saw a tunnel on her right, she dashed into it, its not quite long, maybe 300 meters long, the monster’s still at her heels grunting, she saw a bright light ahead, like the other side is another world where morning’s just setting in, her energy was renewed, she ran with a new vigour, just to get to get to the other side of the tunnel. She’s almost there…….

50 meters…..

40 meters…..

30 meters…..

She didn’t notice a big stone lying on the floor, she hit it and fell, she could feel the monster grunting behind her…………

Anita woke up sweating profusely.

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