Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 24

The weekend consisted of Harry bossing me about,and me retaliating agaisnt his words.

It was strange, almost like we were a married couple or something. I wasn’t sure if the feelings were mutual or not, since he is a very serious man most of the time.

I didn’t care since I began to grow an affection for Harry, he was differnt out of school than he was alone with me.

Speaking of school, I fell asleep straight after Harry had left to go to back to his for a bit and I woke up to a lonely,empty house.

I put on my uniform and went downstairs to get a drink.

Max texted me to meet him before school started and I did.

“Long time no see rose” he winked making me smile at his silliness.


“so how’s it been fucking a teacher?” he teased and I punched him in the arm

“shut up! and for your information we haven’t fucked…yet”

“ughh rosie I’m telling you know just be careful okay”

“pshh since when do you care about that, you know I can manage myself”

“yeah I know but I’m just looking out for you that’s all” he scratched the back of his neck, was it me or was he being weird?

“anyways enough of this soppiness, have you got the weed or not?” I eyed him.

“girl of course I’ve got it, you could practically call me snoop f*cking dog “. I laughed at his stupidness, I forgot how fun spending time with max is. 5

On the way to school we stopped by a shop to get some snacks for our mini high adventure.

“duuude get these!, these are the best when you are high, it tastes like sugar melting in your mouth” I eagerly hand the packet of chocolate biscuits to max and he pays for the rest of he food…what a gentleman.

After we both were on the verge of a high, I stumbled in fornt of someone, (too busy laughing).


“oh sh*t…hi Zayn.. how are ya, it’s so good to see you without your mouth in someone else’s face” I smiled sarcastically.

“umm Rosie are you okay?, listen im so sorry i-….”

“you know what, f*ck off zayn” I flipped him off.

“woah Rosie why are you being a b*tch for?”

“a btch!? ,I’ll fcking show you what a b*tch is”

My fist made contact with his cheek and not a second after I was jumping up and down in pain.

“Rosie what the f*ck!?” Zayn grabbed hold of his cheek.

“serves you right ,d*ckhead! ” max shouted,as we ran off hand in hand.

We both fell to the ground in a fit of laughter and I couldn’t even make sense of anything that just happened.

“we are gonna be so late” I tried standing up but I toppled back over max.

“Mr sexy isn’t going to be happy with you Rosie” he teased.

“shutup Max or I’ll punch you too” I warned him.

He helped me up and we slowly but surely made our way into the school building, we decided to skip first period since I wouldn’t even be able to concentrate and plus I had Maths which was the worst subject ever invented.

Me and max went to the back field and lay with our heads opposite each other.

“hey Max?”


“do you think I’m a b*tch?”

“I think you are a badass and I love you for it”

“I’m trying to be serious”

“f*ck serious let’s go play tennis”

“Okay f”ck it” I stood up and everything around me was spinning and I loved the feeling so much.

Max handed me the racket and we both played some shitty tennis so our highness could wear off. Each time I tried to serve, my racket wouldn’t hit the ball and I kept on missing it.

If someone were watching us play they would honestly phone for help, we looked like complete lunatics.

“max the ball isn’t hitting my racket” I whined.

“Rosie you suck”

“not like you could do any better” I threw the ball in his direction and it landed right in his face….oopsies.

“That’s it…” he dropped his racket and ran after me, I was already screaming ‘im sorry’ over and over again and laughing continuously while running at the speed of light.

Before I knew it I was being rugby tackled to the ground in one sweep and I made contact with the soft lucious grass.

My breathing was rapid, as was Max’s. I couldn’t move anymore I was too tired. My hands caressed the grass and I smiled at the sky.

This was all so perfect…too perfect.


oh sh*t.

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