Episode 8

At school the next day, Joanna sat in class, while Bright the body guard assigned to her stood at her back.

Joanna watched all other kids, going out if the class freely whereas she could not.
A boy walks up to her,carrying a lunch park.” Hi, Joanna. Aren’t you going to get yourself something?” The body whose name was Ikenna asked.

Joanna smiled at the only courageous person who could come close to her. She had no friend.

“Thanks Ikenna. I don’t feel like buying anything.” Joanna said and clenched her wrist angrily.

He eyes turned blue…deep blue but she was unaware.

Unaware of what was happening to her, Ikenna’s eyes widened as he pointed at her with shaky fingers.
“Jo… Joanna! What’s happening to your eyes! ” He exclaimed.

“My…eyes?” Joanna said and Immediately her anger subsided,her eyes returned to normal.

Ikenna stared at her… unable to believe what he just saw.

The next day, Joanna came out of her room, wearing her school uniform and went down the stairs.

She saw madam Kofta sitting on her special sofa, drinking soda.

” When you get back from school today…. Justina is going to bring you to a place. Get prepared.”

Madam Kofta said and Joanna turned to look at her with no expression.

When she did not say anything,Madam Kofta turned to look at her.
” I thought I told you something. We’re you not supposed to answer me!” Madam Kofta said but Joanna still kept quiet,staring straight at madam Kofta.

Madam Kofta stood up,her slim body shooked with anger.” Have you become this stubborn! I’m talking to you!”
Joanna smiled wickedly.” Stubborn you say?” She asked quietly but madam Kofta heard.

Her eyes grew large at the girl.” What!! Did you just asked me that!!” Madam Kofta roared.

“No ma. I was thinking about something. I’m late for school and I’m sure Bright (The body guard assigned to her) will be waiting for me now.

Do have a nice day ma.” Joanna said smiled knowingly and left, leaving the woman standing there,breathing fire and brimstone.
Joanna smiled all the way outside. She had just stirred up the woman, making her look so angry it was fun.

Joanna got outside and looked around. She could see the cat she goes to school with bit Bright wasn’t in sight.

Joanna looked toward the large and mighty gate.

It was well closed and padlocked.
An idea jumped into her head.
She could just escape right now that she had the chance and she looked at the high fences. It was impossible to scale through.

Joanna dropped her bag and looked around the house. She looked around the compound and you at the kitchen window…it was closed..
Quietly,she walked to the gate and stood in front of it,her breath increasing as her eyes went straight to the padlock.

She felt power raising and leaving her body. She whether changed around her and Joanna closed her eyes,as she began to stretch her hand towards the gate… gathering her powers….. gathering the full force of her powers and she heard it!
The loud bang of the padlock as it shook…….trying to jerk free………

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