Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 27

What will happen to June



June Kansas



“Diego”. I gasped in fear

I jolted from the chair and wanted to leave but he caught me by my arm

“Not so fast young lady “. he grinned pulling me back to the chair

I was really scared

“What do you want from me?” I asked in fear

He stared directly at my face and smiled

“You are just a naive little girl, how did you get involve with Troy?

“Let me go please”. I pleaded

“I wish I can but I can’t”. he said pulling a gun from his back pocket …

“Please don’t kill me”. I pleaded

“I won’t if you do what I say “. he warned

“I will do anything Sir but please don’t kill me

“Fine, I need you to come with me quietly, if not I will kill you and every d–n person here.

“ where will you take me too?”. I asked

“You will see for yourself when we get there”. he replied grinning

I looked around the club, everyone was dancing and having fun oblivious of what was happening to me

“Don’t think of trying any thing stupid”. he warned cocking his gun or else I will turn this party to a blood party

“ I nodded

“ can we go?”. he asked smiling

I nodded

“Good girl”. He muttered

he pulled me up from the chair and held my hand as we walked outside the club

he walked over to a black car parked beside the club dragging me along.

“Get in”. he commanded

I swallowed hard and was about getting in when I heard my name

I turned to look back and saw Sara running towards us

“Where are you going?”. She asked panting

“Just go back please”. I pleaded

“Who is this you are going with?”. She asked staring at Reid

“ I am fine”. I assured her

“June”. She called moving closer , I can’t allow you to go anywhere because we came here together

“ who are you?”. She asked facing Reid , who the hell are you?

“Do you really want to know me?”. he asked cocking his gun

“Who are you?”. Sara asked moving back . She tried to run back into the club but it was too late as Reid pulled the trigger and shot her

Saraaaaaaaaaaaaaa”. I screamed as she fell to the ground bleeding

I tried to run to her but Reid caught me and pushed into the car roughly.

he got into the driver seat and drove off …






The whole club was in an uproar when we heard the sound of the gunshot

“What could have happened?

I rushed outside the club and was surprised to see Sara on the ground bleeding

“Someone please help me”. I screamed loudly and the bar man rushed outside

“What have I gotten myself into? he promised not to hurt anyone?

he bent down and held Sara to him

“she was mumbling some words but I didn’t care to listen

“Call the ambulance”. he instructed and I did immediately

I ran into the club to grab my bag and when I returned I met Crowds gathered around Sara

“Sara please be fine”. I muttered as I ran, i kept on running till I saw a taxi..

I flagged it down and got into it as the taxi zoomed off…..



June Kansas



“Please don’t kill me” . I kept on pleading as the beast continued driving

He looked at me through the rear mirror and scoffed

“where are you taking me to?”. I asked shaking in fright

“Shut up”. he yelled and stopped the car. Do you want to drive me crazy with your pleas

he brought out a syringe from the gear box and leaned towards the back seat

“What are you trying to do?”. I asked

“Shut you up”. he replied

“No please”. I pleaded struggling with him but he was too strong . he injected the syringe into me and my eyes immediately became heavy and I soon black out….



Troy Daniels



I woke up the next morning feeling very weak. I was on high on drugs last night and still felt kind of dazed

I thought of June and decided to call her..

I picked up my phone from the table beside me and went through the call log

“D–n”. I cursed , she called me and I received it , what exactly did I say to her?

I dialled her number but it was not going through

“Is her battery flat? Why didn’t she charge it?”. I wondered…


I went over to the bathroom to freshen up and soon returned to the room

I changed my clothes , picked my car keys From the table and headed downstairs.

I met Trent setting the the table for breakfast

“Hi brother”. he greeted

“Aren’t you going to school?”

“I will go get ready after setting the table “. he replied

“Fine”. I muttered walking out the house..


I got into my car and drove off heading to June hostel

“Did I say anything wrong to her?”is she angry with me ?. I wondered


I parked in front of her hostel and was surprised to see some students gathered talking, they stopped immediately they saw me .

I ignored them and walk to June room but met it locked

“Where is she? Did she have early morning lectures?

I walked to my car and was about getting him when I saw a girl running towards me

“Sir Troy”.she called

“What do you want?”. I drawled

“Are you here for June ?”. She asked

“Do you know where she is ?

“No”. She replied

“ Then why did you stop me”. I yelled at her

“I am sssoooorrryyy”. She stammered, but i saw her at a club last night

“Club”. I muttered. I held my head as a memory flashed on, I remembered her telling me something about going to a party

“What kind of party? Why is she not back?”. I asked the girl

“I don’t really know but her friend got shot”. She replied

“ shot? Why?”.

“I don’t know”. She replied

“ which club?”.I asked

“Petra club”. She replied


I got into my car and drove off without even thanking the girl

I was confused about the whole thing

“What really happened ? Who shot Sara? Is June safe?

If anything happens to June , I will never forgive myself

“ why did I even use the d–n drugs? Why?



I soon got to the club and rushed in without parking properly

I walked to the bar and dragged the barman by his collar .

“Sir”. he called, what brings you to a lowly club like this?

“What happened to the friend of the girl who got shot?

“Which of the friends?”. he asked. I saw her with two girls . One left with a man while the other one disappeared without any trace

“ what!!. I exclaimed , what are you saying? I brought out my phone and showed him a picture of June. Do you recognise her?

Yes. She was the one who left with a man “. he replied

“Are you crazy? “. I asked hitting his head on the counter. This is my woman you are talking about.

“I aaaamm sooorry”.he apologised, I never knew she was yours but I am telling the truth, she left with a man dressed in black

I looked at him and scoffed

“ where is the injured girl?”. I asked

“Hospital, she is stable but she lost lot of blood…

“D–n”. I cursed, it is all my fault.

“Sir”. the bar man called , do you know Steph?

“ Steph”. I muttered. Why did you ask?

“ when I held the the injured girl,she kept on mumbling some words. I tried to get what she was saying but I could only pick few words “Steph please help her “. he explained

“Steph? really ?

“ do you know her?”. the bar man asked

“Shut up”. I barked at him, if anything should happen to my girlfriend, i will destroy you and your club”. I warned and walked out of the club….

I dialled Andy number immediately i was out of the club and he picked it immediately

“I want you to track Steph wherever she is and bring her to me”. I instructed and ended the call

She dared to harm June for the second time , I guess I was too lenient with her the last time……….




I pray June is safe

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