Episode 10

In the days that follows Paul
found himself
sinking deep into his misery.

He felt turned apart
with his self esteem reduced to
the lowest level.

He lost every sense of pride
and felt shame
whenever he beheld his wife or
even thought of

He couldn’t bring himself to
hate her for what
she had said about his S£x life;
instead, he hated
himself more than ever.
He didn’t pray about his
situation because he
didn’t know what to ask God in
prayer. Was he
going to be like, ‘dear God
please give me the
strength and wisdom to make
better love to my
wife’? That would be the most
senseless and
useless prayer any human had
ever made.

He didn’t fell like a man any
longer around
Ruth. And to think that she had
been bearing
his ‘unsatisfactory’ love making
all these while
even made him wonder how
she had been
managing him.

Ruth was the woman he loved.
She was an
innocent woman he had
brought into his home
and she had made him happy
all these while.

He had lived for her and had
tried to be the
best man he could ever be just
for her. How
could he have known that he
had been making
her suffer and live a life of
regret for marrying

Why had he even taken their
love life for
granted? Yes, he had never
given his S£x life a
second thought. He had
thought it was a
secondary issue that didn’t
really require much
attention given the fact that
they were more
involved in heavenly race.

Paul had also never seen Ruth
as someone who
would bother much about how
he made love to
her. She had always been this
reserved girl he
had married as a virgin. He
thought she didn’t
really care. She didn’t know
anything about S£x
before he married her, how
could he have
known that he was not giving
it to her the way
she liked it. He had never even
known that
there was actually a way she
liked it. She had
never been open about her

If such an innocent, loving and
gentle woman
could complain about his style
of love making,
then he must be really bad at
it. And that was
why he felt very bad. Wasn’t he
really a man?

Coming home every evening
became a torn in
his flesh. Seeing her and eating
her food,
knowing that he hadn’t been
able to satisfy her
as a man all these while made
him felt useless.

At the moment, he just sat
alone in his office
and pondered on his situation.
For the first time in a very long
while, Paul took
a mental journey back to his
worldly days. He
had, in his late teens, craved for
women and
had slept with a couple of
them but that was a
long time ago. He hardly even
what sleeping with a different
woman, apart
from Ruth, was like. He had
always been a
moral person and had avoided
fornication right
from when he repented at the
age of twenty

As a young Christian, he had
practically avoided
Sexual intercourse by
outrigthly pushing the
thought out of his mind. It was
an abomination
to his God and the thought of it
was a sin.

Thinking about his past life
brought him to the
realization that he knew
absolutely nothing
about S£x. He had in the course
of trying to
live an absolute Christian life,
neglected a very
important part of living. S£x
must be very
important to a man’s ego, if
not, why had he
felt really bad at the realization
that he hadn’t
been able to satisfy his wife?
He was suffering alone and
didn’t know who to
talk to about this issue. How
was he going to
tell his pastor or friends that
his wife was angry
with him because he wasn’t
able to satisfy her
in bed? They would laugh
behind his back and
even blame his childless state
on him.

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