Episode 14

Boma didn’t have to plan on
how to execute
plan because her object of
interest walked into
her office that Thursday

Despite having predicted
earlier on that Mr.
Paul would definitely come
back, her heart had
skipped in response to a slight
shock at his
sudden appearance. He had
gently walked into
her office and had hardly
looked towards her
direction as he sat down on
one of the
customer seats. Other customer
care agents
were free and had signaled to
him to come up
to them but he had politely
rejected their offer
and pointed towards her
She smiled; he had come to see
her. He had
come to screw her.
She wondered what must have
between him and his wife that
had made him
got the courage to come back.
Perhaps his wife
had indicated obvious interest
to F–k Nick.
Perhaps he is on a revenge
mission. Boma
was certain that he must be
lacking in some
aspects of Sexual touch and
this could easily
make his wife want to consider
f—–g Nick
after seeing the way the young
man had
b@nged her in the balcony.

The cute man looked funny as
he sat down in
the lobby waiting for her, yet
making great
effort to avoid eye contact with
her. From the
way he was acting, Boma
thought he might
change his mind at any
moment, so she hurried
to finish up with the client that
she was
attending to. The client would
be her last for
the day.

Somehow, she almost pitied
the man, but she
also couldn’t wait to handle
him; she intended
to screw the hell out of him.
Well, he’d better hold on there
and not change
his mind; she was definitely
going to guide him
through this process of
She finished up with the client
and signaled to
him to come over. She planned
to make this
easy for him.

“Good evening Mr. Paul, I am
really glad to see
you. Can you just hang on a
few minutes; I will
be with you in a short while.”
She said once he
had gotten to her desk.
There was a professional
attractive smile on her
face and it made his heart melt.
The girl was a
real beauty and he felt
honored that she found
him attractive.
He just nodded his head like a
baby and walked
back to his seat.
It was so funny that Boma
almost laughed out.
Soon she was through for the
day and quickly
led the obviously nervous man
out of the office.

Once they got outside, she
turned to him, “I
would have loved us to take
some snacks in a
nice eatery, but fortunately, I
have some drinks
at home and I can prepare us
something better
to eat in my house. Don’t you
think its better
we hang out and talk in my
“Yes… that would be fine,” he
nervously replied.

Paul was feeling so weird. His
conscience was
prickling him and he was sure
the Holy Ghost
was battling with evil spirits to
convince him
not to do what he was about
to do. He couldn’t
believe he had come here on
his own to meet
this lady. What was wrong
with him? Was he
going to go against all he had
preached and
believed just because his wife
told him he was
not great in bed? Was that
enough reason to
sin against God? He wondered
how God would
be feeling at the moment,
watching his beloved
son walk straight into the
devil’s arms.
Paul wished God could do
something. He
needed every strength to
overcome this
temptation. He had made short
silent prayers
for the strength to walk away
but every time he
beheld the pretty angel, he
would just feel his
knees go weak. He shouldn’t
have come. Why
had he come here to face this
lady? That was
his first mistake.
He wanted to just walk away
but Boma was
making him a bit comfortable
in what he was
about to do. Then he started to
rationalize and
justify his action. His wife hated
him because he
was not good in bed, a little
adultery would
make him a better husband. He
was doing this
for the good of his marriage.
He needn’t feel
guilty. All he needed was the
experience so as
to make better love to his wife.
She stopped a taxi and they
hopped in.
“Take us to No. 3 Power
Street.” She said to the
driver. Then she tuned to Paul.
“So how was
your day sir?”

“Fi…fine, my day was okay.”
Paul knew he had
to be confident.
“Yes, mine was stressful. The
clients kept
coming and harassing us like
we were
practically robbing them. A
little network failure
and they would start acting
like old ladies.
People are just so difficult, you
can never do
anything to please them…” on
and on and on,
she kept on talking, until the
driver pulled up in
front of her home. “We are
here,” she
announced and paid of the cab

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