Episode 15

By now Paul had forgotten
almost everything
about Christian virtues. He was
already on a
mission and the mission must
be complete. He
would deal with the
consequences later.
He felt very welcomed once he
got into her
home. It was a one bedroom
flat and the sitting
room had an appealing
feminine look.
“Please have a seat and do feel
free. Emm…
what would you like to take?”
“Let me have water for now.”
He replied as he
sat down. He liked the fact that
her home was
neat and organized.
Boma dropped her bag and
rushed into the
kitchen to serve herself a plate
of rice. She took
a bottle of water from the
fridge and walked
into the sitting room to give it
to him. With the
plate in her hand, she walked
into her room.
She must set the room for the
show. She had a
naughty plan in mind.

Then she walked back to the
sitting room,
dropped something on the TV
and sat on an
empty seat close by.
“I really like you Mr. Paul. And I
want you to
know that I don’t intend to
make you stop
loving your wife. You are really
a cute man and
this is just a once in a life time
opportunity to
be with a man I really admire.
No strings
attached really.” She just
wanted him to relax.

He just nodded and tried to
hold onto a stare at

She stood up and sat by his
side and then she
touched his back and rubbed it
gently. Then
she dropped her plate and
dragged his head to
face hers. She kissed him and
he yielded and
responded to her kiss.

Paul found Boma extremely
attractive and so
the lust he had for her had
overwhelmed his
sense of reasoning.

Boma reached for his trouser
and unzipped it,
bringing out his already
hardened D–k.
He m0aned with pleasure as
she rubbed it.

Then she quickly took of her
cloths and helped
him take his off too.

She liked that he seemed to be
enjoying every
bit of her touch; he was
actually acting like a
man who hadn’t had S£x in a
long while.

Once they were both Unclad,
she grabbed his
J0yst!ck once again and stroked
them fiercely while
she kissed and rubbed him all
encouraging him to touch her

He enjoyed every bit of the
moment and loved
the feel of her beautiful body.
The energy she
brought in was exhilarating
and he wanted this
to last forever. He touched her
K—y-Cat and the
wetness was killing.

“F–k me!” she commanded
and sat on the
seat spreading her legs wide

He positioned himself and
slotted his J0yst!ck into
her. The excitement he felt was
too much for
him to handle and after ten
thrusts, he
ejaculated into her.

“Please don’t tell me you are
through.” She
said, a bit surprised. She
reached out her hand
and touched his J0yst!ck, it had
already gone
flaccid. He was breathing
heavily like someone
who had ran a hundred meter

She pushed him out off her and
stood up, her
body wanting more of the
action. She couldn’t
remember the last time she
slept with such a
weak man.

“What was that? Is this the
injustice you do to
your wife?”

He just sat there looking at her
and feeling all

“I want to guess this is because
it’s the first
round and you will soon be up
and ready to
give me a satisfying second

He remained silent and she
asked, “Are we soon
going to go for second round?”
He shook his head weakly, “I
am tired. Some
other time.” he already
regretted his action.

Everything had downed on him
after the SÂŁx
and he felt shame and sinful.

He just wanted to
stand up and leave the house.

“Who is going to have another
time with you?”
she said. “Don’t tell me this is
what you do to
your with every night… wait,
do you just do a
two seconds first round and
sleep off?”

He didn’t reply and she
instantly knew that this
was the situation in his SÂŁx life.
It made her
angry but she saw it as an
opportunity to help
him. “I am surprised your wife
has not yet killed
you. No woman deserves a
man like you.”

He felt more embarrassed than
regret. Now she
was making him feel even
worse than his wife
had made him felt a few days

He just wanted to leave.
“Please, I want to go home.”
he pleaded, and made to stand
up. He was
Unclad and really wanted to
cover his shame.

“Sit down! You are going
Paul sat down like he had been
commanded by
a soldier.

“You think you can come over
here, get me in
that mood and leave me
empty just like that?
You must be joking. I will
never let you leave
this house except you satisfy
me, get it?” she
picked up her skirt and blouse
and wore them
while he stared at her like she
was planning to
kill him.

Then she walked to the exit
door and locked it.
She turned to face him with a
mischievous grin
on her face. “Try to relax a bit
while I get you
something to eat.” With that,
she walked into
the kitchen.

Minutes later, she served him a
plate of well
prepered rice and a glass of
vanilla yoghurt. He
was now wearing just his
“Eat and refresh yourself.”
Like a confused baby, Paul
picked up the spoon
and began to eat. It was a nice
meal and he
enjoyed every bit of it.
After eating, she gently sat
beside him, “I just
want you to know that there is
nothing wrong
with you and you can actually
do better
sexually. I just want you to
relax and have your
partner in mind. Remember
she is a woman
and needs to be satisfied
during SÂŁx too. That
should be your aim too.”
He nodded. He had actually
thought women
didn’t really like S£x. He had
thought only
promiscuous women enjoyed S

“Most time the first round
could be short but
you have to make it up with a
good second
“But I get fagged out and
undesirous of SÂŁx
after the first round.” He said.
“That is how it is with every
man but that weird
feeling fades away with time.
Besides, you
mustn’t allow it to linger for
long, you must
bring in your energy. Again, do
not allow
yourself to be over excited
during SÂŁx. Always
try to calm yourself down and
be in control of
your emotions when they are
trying to over
blow… now breathe in and out.

I want you to
take your time this time
around. Determine to
satisfy me and also have fun
while it lasts.”

She pulled him up and they
began to kiss once
again. Soon he got excited and
was in the

This time around he took his
time, allowing
himself enjoy her touch and
also the feel of her
body. He paid attention to her
reaction to his
touch and sought to make her
enjoy him more.
He loved the way she m0aned
and responded
to his touch even as she
caressed him too.
She bent down and began to
sU-Ck his J0yst!ck.
Paul felt excited but was
determined to control
his emotion. So he kept on
reminding himself
that he was yet to satisfy her.
He liked the way
her tongue caressed his
She stood up and pushed him
to the chair and
sat on him, her legs spread
Paul saw her wide K—y-Cat
staring at him and
used his finger to caress it. She
m0aned and
begged him to F–k her.
While on him, she guided his
J0yst!ck into her
wetness and began to ride him.
He enjoyed every feel of her
virginal wall and
touched her all over, loving
every moment.

She continued to ride him until
her thighs
began to pain her. Yet she was
enjoying the
fact that he was yet to Erupt.
She stood up from him
and lay on the chair, legs
spread apart.
“Just Bleep me,” she said
He drew himself closer and
guided his J0yst!ck into
her and began to f–k her
following every
rhythm she asked of him;
faster when she
wanted it and slower when she

She was at her peak when he
ejaculated so
they both shared the delicate

He fell to the chair, two of
them breathing

Paul couldn’t believe he had
done that. He had
never enjoyed SÂŁx this way in
his life. He
suddenly felt like a real man.
Boma looked at him and
smiled. The man
actually had it in him and she
was sure that he
could be better with time. “So
why did you
decide to come around to f–k
He looked at her; there was no
shame on his
face, just a little guilt.
“What did your wife do to you
that made you
take the hard decision?” she
wanted to know if
his lovely wife had f—-d Nick.
He might have enjoyed the
moment, but Paul
regretted cheating on his
lovely innocent wife.
Then he realized that he had
wanted to talk to
someone about what he was
going through at

“It all started the day we
parked into
Rich Green Estate, the day I saw
you Unclad in
my neighbor’s balcony…”
As he talked Boma could see
that Paul really
loved his wife. He talked with
so much emotion
and regret. And by the time he
was through
with his narration, emotional
tears were flowing
from his eyes.

On the television, the camera
continued to
record everything that took
place in the living

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