Episode 4

Paul couldn’t tell if his wife had
forgotten about
what happened last weekend
or not. She was
acting all normal only that she
had been
taciturn for the past five days
since he was
caught watching the Unclad
lady. Apart from
that she had remained the God
fearing and
loving wife he had married. He
could see that
what happened was more of
an embarrassment
than offensive.
He loved her and wouldn’t
want to hurt her. He
also wouldn’t want to hurt God
whom he had
vowed to serve with his whole
heart. But
something had been
happening in his mind
since he last spoke with the
devilish girl at her
work place. He had found
himself replying their
conversation over and over
again in his mind,
despite efforts to let go of the
memory of the
meeting. The cunning girl had
forced him to
confess he didn’t think she had
an ugly body.

Those were filthy words and a
Christian like him
was not supposed to express
whatever he felt
about her body. In fact he
wasn’t even
supposed to think of it.
Why did he have to see her
again? He was sure
that the devil was at war with
He decided that he was going
to fast
throughout the week.
Today was his third day into
the fasting. He was going to
ensure no Sexual thought came
into his head. He wasn’t even
going to do anything with his

Another guilty thought was
that he was
unconsciously comparing his
wife’s body with
the devil lady’s. His wife was
beautiful with an
equally beautiful body but she
didn’t carry
herself the way that lady
carried hers;
Ruth didn’t have style she was
just herself. Paul was
sure she was sent by the devil
because she was
making him have these evil
sinful thoughts in
his head.
These thoughts were the
reason why he had
been praying all evening since
he came back
from work. Ruth had been
coming close to him
like she wanted him to have
her but he had
promised God that he wouldn’t
involve in any
Sexual act until the fast was
over. He was
definitely going to rid every
sinful thought from
his mind and not even SÂŁx
from his wife was
going to stop him.

Ruth had almost forgotten
about what
happened last weekend. After
much thought,
she didn’t think it what her
husband did was a
strong reason enough to be
angry with him.
she had been able to see it as
the work of the
devil and so had decided that
she wouldn’t
allow the devil get between
she and her
husband. What she didn’t
understand however,
was why her husband was
acting all guilty since
the event. Why can’t he see
that she was ready
to let go and make up with
him? Why can’t he
just let it go and make love to

Now she had gotten even
more restless with
the fact that he’d just started
fasting. Why was
he fasting again? Didn’t he just
finish one the
previous week just before they
packed into this
neighbourhood? He hadn’t
even made love to
her since then. And now, only
God knows when
she would feel his touch again.
This thought also made her felt
guilty and
sinful. She knew she wasn’t
supposed to
complain within her about the
fasting her
husband was doing. She was
supposed to
appreciate it and thank God he
was equipping
himself spiritually. What was S
ÂŁx compared to
what her husband was doing
for the Lord.

Yet, he body desired to be
touched despite all
prayers and reading of the
word of God.

He had just finished praying
when she walked
into the room. She knew she
had been taciturn
since she caught him staring at
the Unclad
lady; she felt it was time she
opened up a
discussion with him, hopefully
he would stop
acting guilty and relax around

Deep down in her mind she
was not sure of why
she wanted him to relax
around her. She wasn’t
also sure of why she entered
the room to meet
him. Oh! How she wished he
could just make
love to her.

“So how was work today?” she
asked as she sat
on the bed.

Paul had just picked up the
bible to read one or
two chapters, she looked up at
her, “Work was
nice. I thank God for

“Yes… this new neighbourhood
is quiet but I
prefer it to our former place.”
She said.

“With time, you will get used
to it.” He said,
recalling again how the so
neighbourhood had welcomed
them the first
day they had parked in. but
that didn’t stop
him from noticing how pretty
Ruth looked the previous
evening. She smelt nice too
and he almost felt like reaching
out his hands to grab her to

He really loved her.
“Yes, I will get used to it.”
“I trust that the good Lord will
soon provide you
a job and you will be busy.” He
said. “Why don’t
we study the bible together
and pray?” he

“Oh.” She felt it was a good
idea even though
prayer wasn’t the reason why
she had entered
the room. Yet, she knew that
as a Christian, she
must pray without ceasing.

She sat beside him and
together, the two love
birds began to study the word.

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