Episode 32

Both remained quiet for the magic to work coz ‘Vera Nelson’ has been written on the note. Suddenly, the poor naked girl coughed awake. She gradually opened her eyes without knowing where she was or how stark naked she was. All she could see was Lucky’s face who came very close to her looking into her eyes smiling.
“Lucky?” she called out.
“Yes, Vera” he replied.

She turned her eyes round the room to see some dead bodies lying on a wheelbed and ground. She sat up to see herself naked then totally jumped out from the drawer with hands covering her private part.
“What’s going on here!” she glared at Lucky.

“Calm down,” he demonstrated with his hands.

“What am I doing in a.. ” she paused when she saw the life note in Lucky’s hand. “Wait, was I dead?”
Lucky shook his head positively.

She waited for a moment to recall her memory. So she turned to him again and said, “Where is my twin sister and Michael?”

Just then, the mortuary attendant entered looking at both of them. He was speechless.
“Get me something to cover myself, idiot!” Vera’s voice echoed the whole building. Even the dead ones could hear her from the land of the dead. The attendant ran out.
“Lucky” Ashanti called knowing that he would be the only one to see or hear her voice. “The secret I wanna tell you is that anyone raised from the dead with the life note cannot be killed with a death note”
“Oh, my God!” Lucky exclaimed within him coz she just gave him a clue on how to catch Kira!!!


Michael later came back to his father’s house when nobody was around. Of course people knew he was at his residence but nobody had the guts to confront him. He sat down on the edge of his bed while Shakiti opened the refrigerator to see it empty.

‘Hmm.. old place, I don’t like this place anymore coz no more banana in here. Can we go back to Kuma?” he requested staring at him. He giggled after seeing how quiet he was. “I know people would be wondering how you killed those men earlier today. They would never know what you sacrificed for it” he giggled again remembering why Michael was able to know the men’s names without his special computer..


After Nelly left Kuma with the fake note, Shakiti admired Michael’s smartness then said to him. “You deserved to be told another secret”

“What secret?” Michael handed many bananas to him knowing that he would request for that as an exchange with the secret, but he rejected it. “Why you not taking..”

“Because you have to sacrifice something more than a banana for what I want to tell you” he interrupted.

“What could that be?”
“Half of your life”
“Explain” Michael sat down.
“You can actually know people’s names by just looking at their faces. For you to have such powers, you have to offer half of your life span. That means if you were gonna live in this human world for ten years, you will then live for five years” Shakiti explained

He laughed out loud when he remembered it. Obviously, Michael agreed to it that was why he was able to know the names of the men he wrote on the book. He just opened the door with his hands up taking record of their names one after the other before running back inside the building. That was how he was able to conquer the policemen

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