Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 3

“Baby you can get anything you want. Stay here with your mother and let me talk to my friends here”, he said to the little girl.

“Nancy excuse me”, he said to the woman and he walked off with Alicia and Lilian following suit.

“You’re married?!” Lilian asked.

“And you’ve got a daughter?!” Alicia asked.

“I was rooting for you, Ben. How could you do this to Sasha”, Lilian said.

“If you two would just wait and let me explain”, he said to them in an annoyed tone.

“Fine. Explain but if you lie, I’ll catch you in it!” Alicia said to him as she glared at him.

“I’m not married. I just have a daughter”.

“Oohhh, so you have a baby mama”, Alicia said in his face.

“Nancy is my ex girlfriend and we had this baby when we were planning on getting married but things didn’t go the way we wanted so we called it off and now we’re co parenting”.

“Oh so, does Sasha know abou this?!” Lilian asked.

“No, she doesn’t and I’m going to tell her. I’m just looking for the right time”.

“Right time? Boy?!! You should have told her on the first day or even on the second day. You’ve waited for three weeks to pass and only God knows how long you were planning to keep this information”, Alicia said to him.

“Oh Lord, this is going to crush her! You better tell her today or we’re going to tell her ourselves”, Lilian said to her.

“And are you sure that’s your ex-girlfriend ? With the way she’s glaring at us. If eyes could kill, we’ll be dead”, Alicia said glaring right back at her.

“Wait! Does your baby mama know that you’re in a relationship?” Lilian asked.


“Okay. I’m going to tell her now”, Alicia said, walking away and Ben pulled her back.

“You have the right to be mad at me for your friend’s sake. But you have no right to say anything to my family! Back off”.

“I see. Don’t tell her today and you’ll see what happens. Lilian let’s go”, Alicia said, pulling her hands and they walked into the supermarket.

Sasha arrived at her dad’s house and was greeted by her old nanny and cook.

“Sasha!! What a surprise!” She said to her.

“Anna!!” Sasha exclaimed and engulfed her in a hug.

“It’s been a long time since you’ve been here. What’s the occasion?”

“I came to bring you back home”, Sasha said and Anna gave her a look.

“I’m kidding”, she said, laughing and Anna joined in.

“But on a real though. You belong with us. You practically raised us and it’s sad that my dad is keeping you with him”.

“He’s not doing that. I decided to stay. He’s growing old and he’s alone. I just thought that it’ll be best to help him”.

“That’s nice of you. But he’s not old. He’s still in his 50s he can handle himself and he’s not alone. He’s got women of my age clustering around him”, she said rolling her eyes.

“The more reason I have to be here or they’ll cause him to kick the bucket early”, she said and they both chuckled.

“Is he in? He asked me to meet him for lunch today”.

“Yeah, he’s in. He’s at the dining room. And heads up, he’s got a woman and a young man there too. I don’t know what the lunch with you is for. But I think he’s seeing the woman”, she said to Sasha, whispering the last sentence.

“Mmm, thank you for the information”, Sasha said, pecking her on the cheek and then she walked towards the direction of the dining room.

“And here comes my beautiful princess”, Her dad said, smiling and she rolled her eyes.

“I thought the lunch was going to be just me and you. What are these people doing here?” She asked and the older woman who could be her mum’s age, glared at her.

“Just take a seat Sasha”, her dad said to her.

“I don’t like eating with strangers. So, if you’re not going to tell me what they are doing here, I’m not going to sit”.

“Relax Sasha, it’s….” the young man who was also sitting there said and she interrupted.

“Don’t talk to me. I’m talking to my dad”.

“Sasha, please”, her dad said.

“Fine!” She said and she sat opposite the young man.

“Thanks for coming Sasha, I didn’t tell you that we would have other people joining us because I knew that you wouldn’t show up”, he said to her and she looked away.

“This is Victoria and we just started seeing each other for two weeks now”.

“Oh so you wanted me to see your older girlfriend”, she said and the young man laughed.

“I’ll just pretend you didn’t say that. And this is her son, Ross”, her dad said to end.

“Nice to meet you”, he said, stretching out his hand and she ignored him.

“Victoria owns and runs 12 hotels in the country and Ross is a lawyer”, he said and she looked away, showing no interest in what he was saying.

“Nice to meet you Sasha. Your dad has told me quite a lot about you”, Victoria said, stretching her hand for a hand shake and Sasha ignored her also.

“Dad, I think the best person you should be doing this introduction to is Sally, not me cos I don’t care”.

“We might be taking this to another level, that’s why I’m telling you”.

“You’ve said this before and I still don’t care. Oh wait. I know what this is. You want me to tell mum. But I won’t do that. You’d have to tell her yourself”.

“Sasha, I….”

“You know what, I’m done. I’ve got other things to do and not to sit here and listen to this”.

“Sasha, would you sit down?!” Her dad said, raising his voice.

“No dad, I actually thought that this would be a me and you thing. You made it seem that way and now you’re doing this. Ugh. I need some air”, she said, getting up and she walked to the kitchen.

She opened the fridge, took an apple and munched on it as she paced back and forth.

“Hey”, Ross said, walking into the kitchen.

“What are you doing here?”

“Hey relax daddy’s princess. I don’t want to be here too but I was practically forced by my mum”.

“It still doesn’t answer the question. Didn’t you hear me say that I need some air”.

“If you needed air, you’d have gone outside to receive fresh air but here you are in the kitchen”.

“Just leave me alone”.

“Why are you so feisty? You’re too pretty to be doing that”.

“And what gives you the right to tell me what I should be doing?”

“Nothing and I’m sorry”.

“Okay. Can you go now?!”

“Just so you know. I don’t also want my mum to be with your dad”.

“Mmm why?”

“If that happens, I might not get the chance to ask you out”.

“Are you hitting on me?”

“Take it however you want it. But when their little relationship hits a snag, I’d be at your door, bearing gifts to ask you out”, he said, winking and he left.

“Uggh”, she said, scoffing.

Ben and Sasha were out on a date at the beach. They were lying at the shoreline, with their face facing the sun.

Sasha quickly got up and spilled water on him.

“Wow! You really want to do this? Fine”, he said and he lifted her in a bridal style and took her to the seashore and then he threw her into the sea. She quickly swam out and pulled him in.

She was indeed having fun as they were swimming in the sea and chasing each other.

Meanwhile, Alicia and Lilian were arguing on if they should tell her or not.

“It’s been more than a day and I don’t think she knows about it yet”, Alicia said.

“Let’s just wait to out and see”.

“Wait, she just posted a picture of the both of them at the beach. And it doesn’t look like he’s told her”.

“Let me see”, Lilian said and she took the phone from Alicia. “Aww, she seems so happy”.

“That man is playing her and I don’t think he’s going to tell her and he’s just making her fall deeper and deeper. We have to tell her”, Alicia said in anger.

“If he doesn’t tell her by tomorrow, we’ll do that ourselves”.

Sasha was still at the beach with Ben and she was on her phone, scrolling through Instagram, when she saw a picture of Ben, a woman and a little girl with the caption “One happy family”.

Her face dropped and she was in shock.

“What’s this?” She asked Ben.

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