Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 22

As Bush laid there in pain wishing things didn’t turn out like this in his life, a hand touched him. He managed to look and it was little Tom.

Little Tom helped him sit down and have him some water to drink and then gradually he began cleaning the wound. He applied some iodine’s and ink and gently covered it up with some plasters.

“How do you feel now?” He asked.

“am better, thanks to your Little Tom”

There was silence for a while before Bush continued talking.

“Why did you help me? Are you not afraid that your father would find out and then kill you as he did your mother?”

“I am not afraid of death bush. And I am not afraid of my father. The worse thing he can do is what he has done. He killed my mom, I don’t think there is anything worse than that.

“Why are you so nice? I had thought that all white people are evil and wicked but you are different. How come? Bush asked

“Well I don’t know about being different. But what I do know is that God created all men equal. Regardless of thier colour we are all thesame and He loves us equal. He brought us to this world and One day we will all die and return to him, we will give account of ourselves and how we lived here on Earth. Whoseoever is not found holy and acceptibke before God will be thrown into the lake of fire where they will burn for all eternity”

I don’t understand a word you have said. What God are you talking about? And what eternity is that?

And Little Tom took his time and preached the gospel to Bush, telling him about Jesus and how He is the only one that can truly set them free.

After about an hour of preaching he finally asked him if he was ready to give his life to Jesus.

“Well if all you’ve said is true and this Jesus will be my ticket out of here then I should give him a try right? Bush asked

“Yes you should, he never fails his own.” Tom replies

And right at that very minute, he prayed for him and led him to Jesus. And Bush felt an inner peace within him like he has never felt before. He layed down and for the first time since he was brought in here, he slept like a baby.

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