Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 30

Ukeh was left tied to that tree until morning. Amara couldn’t sleep as she cried all through the night. Master Tom made her sit beside him and watched as Ukeh suffered. At a point she feared he was dead.

Early in the morning little Tom came from his room and was surprised to see Bush still hanging on the tree. He ran quickly to help him down and master Tom had him over powered.

“I have had enough of you and your stubbornness and if you do not change I will treat you just as much as I treat this animals”

“They are not animals father, they are human beings just like you and I, the difference is thier colour why don’t you understand this? When will you accept that we are one? Little Tom cried out.

“I heard of the resistance that is forming and I know you are part of it. It’s such a shame that some fellow whites have been Bewitched by these animals and instead of supporting us they are fighting us. But listen and pass on my message to them. Tell your resistance that the white man is born free and the black man is born to be a slave. There is no freedom for them. They will forever serve us thier slave masters. Now bring him down”

And the men brought Ukeh down. In a flash he remembered his friend Bruise and how he was hung on this same tree and flogged toll he died. He wanted to give up but he felt something urging him to hold on. And so he said a silent prayer.

“Lord I do not wish to die in the white mans land, I do not wish to remain a slave. I want to take the gospel of Jesus to Africa. Save me and help me with my course and I will tell Africa about Jesus”

“Bring him down” master Tom shouted. And he was brought to him.

“Bush you have cause me more damage than good. I do not have any need for you anymore. Instead of your consistent trouble I will rather have a slave girl who will earn my bed every night just like Agatha here. (He turned and faced his boys) Graham is selling off his slave girl at the market, I heard she is very beautiful, tie Bush up to my horse, I will meet up with Graham and exchange this fool for that girl.

“Father please, don’t sell Bush please. He is my friend. ” Little Tom begged.

“The more reason I will sell him off. I hate your friendship.”

Ukeh’s hands was tied to the horse and as it rode away Ukeh ran after, but at a point he couldn’t anymore, he falls to the ground but still Master Tom doesn’t stop, The horse kept running and dragging Ukeh on the ground with thorns and stones scratching and pilling of his skin.

“No ooooo” Amara cried, “please spare him please.

Her please fell on deaf ears as master Tom kept riding on.

It took about three hours before they got to the market. Ukeh was filled with bruises and wounds all over. Master Tom sees Graham and they both hug each other. It seems Tom had already informed Graham of the business.

Graham took a look at Ukeh who was whirling in pains on the ground and even unable to raise his head to see his negotiator.

“This one must be stubborn for you to punish him so.”

“He wants to f–k who I f–k” Master Tom said.

“Ouch that’s baaaaadt, she must be pretty d–n hot then” Graham said and they both burst out laughing “Anyways he look strong and I think he would be useful to my pigs

“Where is the girl?” Master Tom asked

Graham points at a young beautiful girl who was looking very sad. She was facing down.

“Wow, she looks pretty, why are you selling her off?”

“My son was sleeping with her, I had no problem with that, and then he got her pregnant, I also have no problem with that and then he went ahead to marry her in a church. He married a black monkey from Africa, I had to sell her off”

“Why about your son? He just let you sell her? Tom asked

“I sent him out on an errand. She will be long gone before he returns”

And they both burs out laughing.

“Well I don’t care if that African is pregnant or if she is your son’s wife. Now she belongs to me and will grace my bed” Tom chuckles and they both laughed again.

Master Tom asked Gilbert to take the girl to his horse and Ukeh was handed over to Graham.

“Thank you my friend. Does the young girl have a name? Tom asked.

“It’s better you don’t know. Give her another name, that way my son can never find her”

They both laughed hard, shook hands and parted ways. Ukeh still could not race his head nor look at his new master, he knew he would not survive another rumble on the ground and prayed that he is no longer tied to the horse.

Fortunately for him his prayers was answered quickly, asaster Graham ordered for him to be given some water and made to ride with his boys.

Ukeh was grateful to God for sparing his life. And as he journeyed with his new master into a new world he could hear the still small voice telling him.

“I know the thoughts I have towards you, the are thought of good and not of evil to bring you to an expected end”

Ukeh decided to sleep a bit. He didn’t know where he was headed or what the future holds for him but he was sure of one thing. And that was that “HE WOULD NEVER BE ALONE!”

To be continued

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