Episode 11

When i got outside,what i saw virtually stoped me from crying and as you earlier guessed,i saw beauty’s dad holding a paper.

He asked me to sign and i did though i was still confused about everything but i acted along as i didnt want to create any commotion.

He asked me to put my bag in the boot and i sat beside him while he drove.

He asked me if i knew why he adopted me(it was then i now knew he actually came to adopt me) and i told him i didnt know.

He said the first reason was that his wife had no male child so i was to fill in as the male child they never had.The second reason was that when he actually heard more about me from beauty,he felt very sorry for me so he adopted me.

The final reason was that he knew beauty really loved me,so my coming to live with them will give more chance for me to love her more.It would also give him more avenue to watch him.

What he never told me was that he adopted me for a reason known to him as those he told me was just an excuse.

The next chapter will come with the name life at the thomas’ as that is beauty’s surname.Lemme describe all the member of beauty’s family.

As we know,beauty,pearl and their father are regulars but there are three other occupants in their house plus a maid.

The first person is mrs thomas,beauty’s mum.She despite being thirty seven looked like a young woman.

She has a fat a-s and an average b—-t.

Another person is rose.

She is the elder sister to both pearl and beauty.She is also very beautiful though she was a university student in a hundred level.

The last occupant is mary,a cousin to beauty,about the same age as me and also in ss2 but stays in a boarding school.Mr thomas told me no one actually had an idea and so it was a suprise for his whole family.

After he finished speaking,i went into my world of imagination.I knew s-x would not be as common as it was in maryjane.I knew i was going to miss mary jane but hoped the thomas’ house will be like maryjane..

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