Episode 26

Suddenly realising what i was doing, i quickly released my hold and leaped away from Tessy, covering my face with my palms. I really was a bit embarrassed over my action.
“Val what just got over you?. You almost strangled me to death” she asked, coughing weakly.

“i’m sorry” i apologized and backed her, breathing deeply. She stood up, drew close to me and embraced me from behind, resting her head on my back.

“i do understand how you feel Val. I know you are going through a lot of mental and emotional trauma but don’t let it cloud your judgement. You know i’m willing to do everything for you. I have great plans for you. I left everything just to be with you. What else could you possibly want from another woman that i don’t have. Tell me baby” she said softly, caressing my chest at the same time. I turned and faced her.

“supposing you are not a married woman with kids perhaps we would have been married long ago. Yea you are right. You got everything i could possibly want from a woman. Beauty, wealth and character, but you are married” I poured out with respect. She shook her head and smiled.
“yea i was once married, but no longer under the bond of marriage. I’m a free woman and you shouldn’t just hide your real feelings because of my past. You know there are a million guys out there who will quickly jump at the chance i’m offering you. Wealth, power, love and a meaningful life. C’mon you know what it takes a girl to beg a guy talk more of a society lady like me” she begged breathlessly, placing her hand on my chest once again.

“i’m just being honest and i really don’t think most guys will be honest with you. That’s just it” i said with a shrug, looking down to meet her gaze. Her eyes instantly lit up as we exchanged silent glances.
“that’s what makes you so unique Val. Your honesty. It always brings out the passion in me. And your face. Your wild eyes. Your soft lips. Your pointed nose. No i can’t leave you for another. I can stand losing my children but can’t endure being away from you. Then the sex. You are so good at it.” she poured out passionately, drew down my face and kissed me hotly. I almost responded but just that moment, someone knocked at my door and interrupted the little intimacy going on between Tessy and I.

There was this confident smile on her face as i broke away from her to answer the door. Of course she very much knew how to manipulate me. And i was just so, so naive and hmmmm.

Surely Tessy was just irresistible like Delilah and i was her Samson… Strong, hot and stupid….

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