Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 28

The arrest


Damon POV



I cried as my dad was been rolled into the operating theatre, I really can’t loose him

I closed my eyes as I remembered the word he whispered to me before he blacked out, Parker……

I looked at Nora who was still shaking from fright and I went over to her and hugged her

“ Damon”. She called, your dad will be fine

“Sure”. I said squeezing her hands


We waited for hours before the doctor came out

“ Damon, he called

I looked at him and I could feel my heart beat faster

“The bullet missed the vital part , he will be okay”. he assured me

I immediately sighed in relief

“ how is he doing?”. I asked

“ he needs blood”. He replied

“ can I donate mine?”. I asked

“ There is no need, we have his type in the blood bank”. He replied

“ will he be fine after the blood transfusion?”. I asked

“Sure”. He replied

“ Then start the transfusion”. I yelled



I drove home with Nora to get rid of my blood stained cloth, My dad was already stable

“I can’t believe he sacrificed his life for me, he took the bullet in my stead “

“ why are you crying?”. Nora asked me

“ I am just regretting”. I replied

“On what?”. She asked

“I wished I forgave my dad before this incident”. I replied

“ it is alright Damon, make sure you forgive him immediately he wakes up”. She encouraged

I looked at her and smiled …..



I walked into the house and met Petra sobbing

“ How is Damien?”. She asked in between sobs

“ Damien’, did she call him by his first name? What is between them?”. I wondered

“He is stable “. I replied and she sighed in relief



I climbed up the stairs heading to my room dragging Nora along with me

I pulled off the blood stained clothes and went over to the bathroom to freshen up. I returned to the room naked and went over to the wardrobe for a change of clothing

“Nora”. I called , Are you alright?”. I asked

“ yes”. She replied

“ what are you thinking about?”. I asked

“ I was just wondering who wants you dead”. She replied

I looked at her without saying anything


I soon got dressed and was about walking out of the room when Nora called me

I turned to look at her

“ where are you going?”. She asked

“I need to do something”. I replied

“ can I come with you?”. She asked

“ No” I replied

“ why?”. She asked

“ just stay here” I yelled and walked out of the room…



Mr Parker POV



“ what the f–k!”. I yelled, why did that stupid fool ruin my plan?

“ why did he go there?. Did he suspect me?. Any ways, I am glad he is unconscious, he won’t be able to say anything

I will get rid of his rude son before he wakes up, that is if he will ……

I laughed out loudly



Bella POV



“Who the hell tried to hurt my Damon”, I yelled , I am sure it is because of that stupid Nora …

I was glad Damien got shot, I pray he dies



Damon POV



I drove over to my company and walked in ignoring the clumsy reporters waiting outside as usual

I ignored the greetings of the staff and headed upstair to the Director office

“ Damon”. The new director called immediately I walked in

“ I need all of Mr Parker files”. I barked ignoring his greetings

He brought out a box and placed it on the table

“ Here is it “. he replied

I went through It looking for hint and smiled when I saw one

“ Mr Parker bought an apartment at the outskirt of the town, I bet that is where he stays

I copied the address to my phone and walked out of the office .

I dialled my uncle number and he picked up immediately

“ Damon”. He called

“ I know who is behind it”. I replied

“ who?”. He asked

“Parker”. I replied

“ what!”. He exclaimed in shock, how did you know?”. he asked

“ My Dad told me before he blacked out “. I replied

Good”, do you know where he stays?”. He asked

“ I just found out now”. I replied

“ where?”. He asked

“ I will send you the address”. I replied

“ Damon, wait where you are, don’t act rashly”. He advised

I scoffed and ended the call



I drove with a high speed and soon got to the address, the place was quiet with only few houses around

I walked over to the front door and knocked

There was no response

I knocked again and I smirked when the bastard opened the door

“ Damon”. He called in surprise, what are you doing here?

I kicked him hard in between his legs and he grunted rolling on the floor in pain

I walked inside and looked around the well furnished apartment and huffed

“Why did you do it?”. I asked him

“ I don’t know what you are talking about”. He replied

I brought out a gun from my back pocket and aimed it at him

“ please Damon”. He pleaded, don’t kill me

“ really?”. I huffed

“ yes”. he pleaded

“ why did you try to kill me?”. I asked

“ to get mmmy revenge”. he stammered

“ revenge”. I muttered

“ you humiliated me ,you disgraced me all because of that b—h”. He replied

“ who is a b—h?”. I asked him

“ Nooorr”

I shot him on his arm before he could completely call the name

“ aaargh”. He groaned in pain

“ you tried to kill me because I humiliated you”. I asked in shock

“ I wanted to hurt your father also”. He replied

“ why?”. I asked , I thought he is your friend

“ he took away the woman I love”. he replied

I looked at him in confusion

“ what woman?”. I asked

“ your mother”. He replied

“ how is that possible”. I yelled

“ I was in love with your mother but couldn’t approach her because I was impotent and then I realised she was in love with your father

“ what!!”. I exclaimed, I thought it was an arranged marriage”. I asked

He looked at me and laughed weakly

“ your mother was behind the arranged marriage, she pleaded with her dad to arrange her marriage with Damien….

I watched her suffer in silence as Damien treated her badly.

“ how do you know everything?”. I asked him

“I was her best friend and she confided In me but all that stopped when you were born, you took all the time she had for me. you and your dad took away my love from me…..

“ I looked at Parker, he was obviously crazy

I pointed the gun aiming for his heart and was about to shoot when I heard the siren

“ did you call the police?”. he asked in fright, please Damon I don’t want to go to jail”. he pleaded

“ you could have thought about that before trying to harm me”. I replied

The door flung open and my uncle walked in with some cops

He looked at me and then at Parker

“Lower your gun Damon “. He pleaded, Let him face the law

“Sure”. I replied lowering the gun down, I want him to rot in jail

I watched the men dragged Parker out

“Aaaaargh”.he kept on groaning in pain as he held his wounded arm

My uncle looked at me and smiled

“ you did well Damon”. he said patting me, you really did well

“ where did you get the gun from?”. he asked

“ I bought it”. I replied

“ you are really your Mother son”. He said chuckling ……



What an episode?


Thank God Parker has been caught


I hope Damien will get better

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