Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 10




Keith’s POV continues

We put the money in the safe, when we c@m£ out we didn’t see Chris standing there.

I’m sorry Chris, but I’ll have to get you fired.

“plea-se bring Chris to my office ” I directed Mr Peter.

I went to my office and I re-ad Faye’s letter once again.

Even if Chris was her lover, why I’m I getting this angered feeling about them.

Hey Mr Keith, I hope you don’t mean to say you love her, I said to myself.

But I was jo-lted back to reality, when i heard a loud ban-g and the alarm turned on.

It’s from the safe room, I looked throu-gh the security c@m£ras and I saw it was Chris.

I can’t believe he went this far, he broke into the safe room.

Mr Peter rushed in, “Get the cops” I told him.

While I rushed to the emergency room and put everything on lock down.

Faye was right he’s a fraudsters, but I’ve got him now.

I can’t believe that I didn’t want to believe her at first.

The cops finally arrived.

I directed them to stay at the door of the safe as I went to unlock.

I did that, then rushed to them.

Chris was standing in the middle of the room surrounded by the cops.

“Get him, why don’t you get him” I asked sternly.

“He’s threatening to activate that bomb if we come closer” one of them said pointing at the bomb.

Damn, what an expert criminal,

And he’s got all my money.

“Let him go ” I told them and they halted and made Way for him to p@ss.

But as he was about p@ssing throu-gh the door I signal the cop besides me to get him and he pinned him down.

“Take him away” I directed as they handcuffed him.

Just then I heard “Tick tick tick tick ”

“Damn, he activated the boom Sir we’ve got 3 minutes ” Mr Peter said.

“Then get everyone outta here”

We rushed and manage to get everyone out before the boom exploded.

I lost everything in the company.

I think I’ve just ruined my chance of getting the company at Marisol.

Zeta’s POV

As I went to the living room to watch my favorite show.

“Jumanji ” with mom.

Then we were interrupted with breaking news.

«“The Oliver’s Brewery company at Mountain hills has just exploded”»

“Oh no,Keith ” mom whined

Chris what the hell did you do, jeez I didn’t say you should hurt my brother.

«“Luckily, everyone escaped ”»

«“Reporters made it known that a bomb was placed in the factory ”»

My dad c@mÂŁ to the living room too and saw the news.

They were sad and morning.

Gosh, they should st©p acting like a child, Keith is alive.

Keith’s POV

I apologized to the workers for all the inconvenience caused by Chris.

I didn’t want to be on the news, so I left immediately the reporters c@m£.

I went home, still sad.

They said Chris escaped.

“Keith dear, I’m so happy you’re okay” my mom welcomed me with her whining.

“We saw the news, Any luck? ” my dad asked.

“No, there isn’t, I just wanna go to my room ” I sadly went upstairs.

I was welcomed by a warm hvg by Faye.

“I’m so glad you’re alright, I was scared I’ll loose you” she said as she dis£ngaged.

I looked at her in amusement, then clean her tears.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t believe you, you were right. I trusted you that’s why I made you my wife for 16 days. ” I started and she was staring at me.

“I won’t ever doubt you again, I will…… ” as I was saying she crashed herl-ips on mine.

Wow, I smiled and return the k!ss.

Then she p@rted.

“I…I’m sorry, I… I… didn’t mean to, l.. I…just… lost control” she stuttered nervously as she blu-shed and look away.




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