Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 32


I arrived at school the following morning with Arthur.

I was about walking to my class, that would make me depart from Arthur cause his class was in a different place from mind.

But I suddenly sighted Prince walking towards me. I turned to Arthur and I saw that he sighted Prince too.

Prince is filling my head with gibberish and I want to stay away from him for a while, I need a space of myself.

“Walk with me.”Arthur said and I began to follow him to his class.

” She’s a pregnant woman, are you going to stress her to follow you to your class before leaving for her class. Don’t be heartless.” Prince said.

Arthur turned coldly him.

Prince still has his face covered with his hair.

Diana wanted to act but Arthur stopped him from acting.

“You are weak, otherwise, why would you keep covering your face?” Arthur let out before Prince.

Prince grinned and walked few steps to Arthur.

“How dare you call me weak.” Prince said with an absolute indifferent voice.

The voice at which he spoke was different from the ones he had been using in speaking to me.

“Brother!” Arthur called in surprise.

Prince then removed the hair that covered his face.

“Little brother, you aren’t scared to call me weak?” He asked intimidatingly.

“I’m so sorry, I never knew you were the one.”Arthur apologized.

They looked alike and one could tell that they were brothers.

“I hate the fact that father favoured you.” Prince let out.

“You shouldn’t say this before others.” Arthur said.

Prince grinned dryly and said; “Do you rape her?”

Arthur arched his brow and looked straight into his brother’s face.

“You have never lied to my face, if you tell a lie, I would know. I ask again, do you rape her?” Prince further asked confidently.

I was scared of what Arthur’s reply would be.

Arthur lowered his head without saying a word.

“Mary, I told you he raped you and you thought I was lying and that I probably did. Arthur raped you. If you are not scared, ask him yourself?” He said.

I noticed the confidence at which Prince spoke, I also realized that Arthur lost confidence before his brother.

“Brother, it’s been many years we have a conversation, let this people go and then, we can talk.”Arthur said to Prince.

“Who are these people? Mary and your bodyguard?Oh no! Let them stay. Confess the truth and it will set you free.” Prince said.

“Mary, you are not ready for the truth, are you?” Arthur turned to me and asked.

Those words sounded like ‘yes’ to me and I felt like slapping him.

Did he rape me and was trying to cover up for his cruel act by helping me?

I would rather sleep on the street than let my raper help me.

“Did you rape me?” I asked Arthur softly but I was very angry.

“It seems you are ready for the truth.” Arthur then turned at his bodyguard and then turned at me.

“Yes, I ra-ped you.” He said.

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