Episode 26

Grand finale B

Tasha replied:” you’re being silly and you know that. Michael could never come back to you. You stole from him. Jessie replied:” you can quit the act because i know you were the plan who planned out everything strategically but it’s okay. He still loves me. I remember the nights we’ve spent together, how he caressed every part of me and kissed me affectionately. That was a proof of his love. I know he can’t wait to make babies with me “. Tasha stood up feeling very annoyed , she slapped Jessie and said:” you are day dreaming. Michael would never come back to you after everything i did. I set you a up in a way that even God would find it hard to believe you. You were caught in the act and i had Henry delete the message which could prove your innocence. You are foolish, Michael is mine and mine alone so you….” she was stopped with a slap. Mr Smith couldn’t believe his ears. The lady he trusted so much had betrayed him so he called the police to arrest them even after all their pleadings. Tasha and Henry were arrested while Mr Smith apologised sincerely to Jessie for hurting her and not believing her. She gladly forgave him as it wasn’t his fault. The next day, Michael organized a party at Agete hotels and invited everyone from Jessica’s side along with her. It was a very grand party and was to celebrate his success, thank the employees for their commitment and most importantly propose to the woman he loved. He went on to the stage and said:” it really is a joyous occasion. Lots of things has happened in the past days but i thank God that we got through them successfully and now to the most important reason why we are here, my joy giver, the woman after my heart miss Jessica Brown please come on up to the stage babe.

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