Episode 6

Candella slammed the door exiting Alvin ‘s room ..he couldn’t even argue with his mother ..he had absolutely no option ..but to take his mother ‘s advice because he loves his mom so much .!he la!d on the bed calmly as he went into deep thought thinkin about Amelia’ s words
why can’t I just get this girl outta my head
he said to himself ..as his phone rang 
oh it’s his friend Christian ..

“Watsup buddy !”his friend said,
“Am good
and tired 
as well “I answered 
”oh so ..where are you ?”
”at home .”I replied ..”what !c’mon ..come have some fun in our usual spot ”
“Ohh I have a lot goin through my head Chris. ..but I ll try to join you then !”

am waiting ” Chris hanged up ..I was honestly in no mood for partying after this news my mom gave me
my Father was a very busy business man though he comes back home once in a month to check on us,and since when I finished college..mom wants me to get married to the lady of her choice veronica which I think is not right but who am I to say know..I silently stood up
went to the bathroom ..had my shower..dressed up and left the house ..

Amelia and her friend took their seats in the bar discussing

“Last night
you made me got drunk ..that shouldn’t happen this night !” Amelia said having a bottle of liquor all over her mouth 
.”oh chill girlie. .we are just having fun
I would have loved it ..if you had given that b—h her size today but it turned out you got suspended !”sofia said referring to veronica..”it’s not worth it ny friend ..there’s no need for that ..and am not even angry anymore..just that I can’t stay at home
I ll just die of boredom 
Christain was seaTed next to their table as Alvin joined chris. ..both exchanged greetings

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