Episode 6

Nancy was heartbroken, she never believed what she saw in there. She felt betrayed by the love of her heart and worst still, clara.

She just couldn’t believe it and dosen’t want to believe it.
”am i dreaming?.” she asked herself
“but hey!, you aiint dreaming girl! thats all real!”
she ran outside and quickly entered her car, she reversed expertly in a swift turn, using the hand break and pulled her leg on the accelerator, she dashed out of the compound driving recklessly.

She just wasn’t thinking straight.

She thought of how she had been faithful to him, for the past two years.

Or was it because, she could not give him a child?

Is that what gave him the audacity to betray her?

Yes, she was childless, but not barren.

She had went to different doctors for tests but all to no avail.

If she is sound and hale, why can’t she get pregnant?

Even if its a child, she’s okay with it.

But there’s something she’d noticed. Ben would never complain nor accused her of not beign able to bore him a child and whenever she tells him to go for medical checkup, he would always say
“God is the giver of children. He gives when he pleases, he would give us whenever he wishes, just wait for God’s time and stop brooding woman!”
even her mother inlaw dosen’t help matters either, she would continue to threaten her, and wouldn’t stop until she see her pack out of his life and house.

She remembered the day, her mother inlaw visited her in the house. She had came to warn her sternly. Giving her a deadline of two months to get pregnant or she choose the latter.

She knew her problem now needs God’s intervention.

Should she give up on him and leave as her inlaw wanted?

Not with what he just did to her, it was just unforgiveable and unforgetable. She felt like he pierced a sword into her heart, ripping her heart into shreds.

Tears started flowing down her eyes, the look on clara’s face was just something she couldn’t envisage.

She remembered how she’d reacted, when she caught them in the act.

Her reaction was not of shock but she was rather composed as though, she’d been expecting her to catch them in the act.

But Ben’s jaw dropped when her gaze met with his, she could see ‘am sorry’ look on his face. But she wasn’t moved with that only for her to hate him that instant.

She was deeply drowned in the ocean of her thought, that she lost control on the steering wheel.

She’d left the right lane and was on the wrong lane.

A fast moving trailer was comin, facing her. It was just meters away.

Different horns of cars and the trailer were blaring up in the air.

That was what jolted her out of her trance and she looked up to see the trailer.

Her look turned to terror.

She tried swerving the car out of the way but to no avail.

It was just fruitless, coz everywhere was queued up.

The thought of death crept in her mind.

She became scared.

She pulled her leg on the break. But it was too late. Unfortunately, her car ran into the fast moving trailer of dangote cements.

The car crashed.
A h u g e crowd was found surrounding the accident scene, some were sympathizing with the deceased, while the sensible ones quickly called for the ambulance.
Within minutes, sound of sirens of the ambulance filled the air.

The ambulance pulled up beside them and two men rushed to the accident scene.

They examined the wrecked car, they found a lady in a pool of blood.

Apparently, Nancy was half dead.

They her carried into the ambulance van and sped off.

No one was injured in the trailer, the trailer was just damaged a little bit.

It seems as though, its just got a little crash.

The occupants of the trailer all hoped and pray she made it out alive.

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