Episode 8

Theme: I’m not gonna let you go
Robert watched Jenny threatening him, he now knows that an evil person must have place a curse on an innocent Jenny, he thought of what to do to at least free her temporarily from the curse

He thought for a while but no idea was coming
“She is gonna charge at you now, once she does, hold her two hands and look straight into her eyes, she will regain her freedom for the main time” A voice said to Robert
Robert recognizes the voice at once, he knew it’s the voice of mother Selena.

At that same time, Jenny charged at Robert, Robert held her two arms and stare directly into her eyes, she regained her freedom just as mother Selena had said

Jenny panted heavily, then slightly, she remembered that she had being under a curse all this while, she knows she didn’t kiss Robert, yet she came back to herself .

She remembered what her mother was saying and it hurts her that her mother can not help her especially when Robert is in his wolf form ready to devour her

Warm tears dropped from Jenny’s eyes , she knows she is cursed but she wishes to be free
“Jenny, stop crying, I know that the curse on you is not gonna work on me” Robert said
“How did you do it? Oh! I remember, you are a werewolf, can you help me to break the curse permanently cus the curse can suddenly take grip of me again especially now that the two of us are still having soul ties ” Jenny said
“I’m gonna stay by you and ensure that the curse over you is broken, but I think some powerful people in the other world are actually controlling you, but do not worry, all that matters is that I like you and I’m gonna stay by you” Robert promised

“Thanks” Jenny said
“I think you need to go home to have some rest , we gonna see in school tomorrow” Robert said

“Thanks” Jenny said and pathetically carried her bag pack and left Robert. She went home.
Robert was happy that he was able to help Jenny but he knows that the curse over Jenny can never be broken unless those people controlling her stops controlling her and the only way is for those people to be conquered and destroyed
“Mother Selena, please help me, now that I’ve helped Jenny , I know they will come for me, please do not leave me” Robert prayed in his heart and went home


Kingdom of Power
Mother Susan sat on her throne while five of the women sat but Ella stood
“Tell me Ella, how did it happen?” Mother Susan asked
“There is this son of mother Selena, he is a werewolf and an alpha at that, he fought Jenny and overpowered her till the curse broke over her” Ella reported
Mother Susan laughed and the other five women giggled

“Did the boy likes himself, he really thinks because he is a common werewolf , he can disrupt our plans, we just need to show him who we are, just a kid that he is” Mother Susan said and smirked
Mother Susan whispered some words , it’s their next line of action on Robert


Following day
Jenny woke up , she did all house chores as usual, she dressed and head off to school.
She met students line up at the assembly hall
this time around unlike other days that she had always come late after assembly

She joined the que and eye searched Robert on the assembly ground, she was happy to see Robert smiling and facing the school secretary who was given his speech

Robert who had also being expecting Jenny was eye searching her line occasionally, his eyes suddenly met with Jenny and he smiled
He brought his head back to the secretary who was almost rounding up his boring speech, his belly began to rumble, he knew the feeling and what it meant, his bones were gently cracking , he wondered why he would want to change to a werewolf all of a sudden, no one in school knows he’s a werewolf cus he has never changed to one in the school

He knew that if he runs away from the assembly ground all of a sudden , many people would suspect

“Are you alright” a girl asked Robert
Robert who was restless brought his gaze to the lady beside him

“I am, thanks” Robert said
“I do not think so, guess the wolf in you is trying to find expression , I think I can help” the girl said

Robert was stunned at what the girl said , he Wondered how the girl would know that deep secrete about him, nevertheless, he needs to find a way of helping himself before he becomes disgraced before everyone by turning into a werewolf.

He knew that his reputation will be ridiculed , He can’t imagine students finding out that the most brilliant, cute and richest student in school is a werewolf.

“How are you gonna help?” Robert asked
The girl dipped her hand into her pocket and brought out a portion inside a very small bottle of glass and handed it over to Robert

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