Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 4

The men seeing damien on the floor marched forward ready to pounce on damien but where stopped by arman.

Arman: No one touches him, if you cant harm a man while on his feet dont touch him when he is down.

General: Why and …

Arman: Why is none of your business he barked and i want him alive.

General: And who are you to give me orders, he replied as a smile crossed his lips.

Arman: I am the goddam bastard that will seperate your head from your body and give it to the vultures to feed on , he replied riding off to rome.

The general became afraid cos that wasnt going to be his 1st time doing something like that as he ordered his men to tie damien to his horse as he rode to rome with his remaining men following keenly with as much loot as they could gather. All this while some one on a black hood covering every part of the person body could be spotted on top of a hill as tears escape the mysterious person eye.

Am sorry i couldnt protect you am really sorry the person said as he turned to leave.

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