Episode 17

Freddie got home that afternoon feeling a bit stressed,he drank some bottle of chilled water,he began to think about Nora and her set of devilish plan,he couldn’t believe Nora could be so heartless,.. meanwhile Lynn sat on her bed,she kept touching the neckless,she couldn’t believe Freddie could ever talk to her neither could he hand over his neckless to her,she felt happy but worried,wat if anything bad happens to freddie,Freddie the love of her life,the guy she stare at everyday at school,the guy she send love letter to and he will throw it away,that is the same guy that handed over his protective neckless to her and still hugged her,she bit her lips playfully and say in her mind ”i love u so much Freddie,”.

Freddie could be seen in his room lying on his bed,staring at the ceiling,he is hundred percent sure that Nora is going to try something tonight and he is ready to face it,he knows Lynn is already protected,he just pray Lynn doesn’t take the neckless off, …9:55pm Nora could be seen spacing out in her room, an old woman watched her as she moved, ”nora just do it”,the old woman cautioned ”i know granny I am just thinking,”Nora said breathless,her hair was now red in colour and she looks more beautiful from the candle light that lit the room, ”ur mother sent u away from backing down,just do it ok,just kill the boy,”the old woman persuaded (the old woman is a witch who takes care of Nora on earth and she treats her like her own,but she can be very deadly).

”i can’t kill Freddie,”Nora said.
”why can’t u kill Freddie,but u said he is not with the neckless u said the neckless is with a girl,”the old woman said while Nora nodded and sighed ”i want to but I can’t kill Freddie,I want to use another person in place of Freddie,”Nora flinched, ”look nora am not a mermaid and I know u can’t change him because u have his name written down already,dont u want to rule over everything,”the old woman said.

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