Episode 21

Mr Osajie walked away briskly, taking Ruth’s bag along with him. We walked silently into our classroom. Thankfully, there was no teacher in the class.

I sat on my seat, with my head on the desk. I was in a panic mode. My father would kill me if he had any idea of what had transpired today.

Ruth and Hannah were deeply involved in a discussion at the other end of the classroom.
Ruth walked up to my seat, and touched me lightly, interrupting my thoughts.
“you look so tensed Ella”
“Shouldn’t i be? My dad will kill me if Mr Osajie reports. I’m finished” I said, almost sobbing.
“i ll handle Mr Osajie, he won’t report. I’m going to see him right now, i ll take care of everything”

Ruth was one handy friend. I was quite reassured by her words, as she left the classroom. I knew what she was capable off.
The next lesson proceeded as usual. Except for an interruption from the principal, reminding us that we would begin extra lessons the following week.
As soon as the teacher left, Ruth entered with Hannah’s bag firmly rested on her back.
She dropped it on Hannah’s desk, and walked up to me. I was quite surprised she got the bag.
“so what happened?” I asked rather excitedly.
“Forget about it, that man is a dog, i simply gave him what he wanted”

Ruth’s response shocked the day light out of me. My mouth opened in surprise.
Perhaps i had misinterpreted her response, so i asked again plainly.
” you mean you did it with him inside his office just now?”
“what is your own?” Ruth fired, sounding a little angry
“Or i should have allowed him to tell your parents? I bleeped.him because of you , so get over it.”

I was perplexed. I wasn’t sure which was more surprising, Ruth’s affair with Mr Osajie, or the complete indifference she showed.

I kept staring at her with my eyes and mouth wide open.

My gaze must have embarassed her a little, as she waved her palm across my face.
“do you think I’m the only one he has slept with”? Ruth asked defensively, leading my gaze towards our class captain.

I shook my head, everyone knew Mr Osajie to be a serial womaniser.

Rumour had it that he almost Molested our class captain in his office, when she went to submit assignments.

She came back with splashes of sperm on her skirt, making the story a little more confusing.
Seeing that Ruth was slightly upset, i thanked her for coming to my rescue, and tactfully changed the subject.

“Principal said we would begin extra lectures next week”
“really? Ruth said excitedly.
“hope your mother will not be coming to pick you after the lesson?” Ruth asked, eagerly anticipating a response
“probably not” I replied
“Good, because we are so grooving it. There’s this place I ll like Ehis to take us to…..”

The closing bell interrupted her mid way, and we both got up. I transferred all items belonging to me from Hannah’s bag into mine and headed for the car pack to meet my mum.

I looked around, and spotted her red Audi 80. In her usual spot. She was often the first parent to arrive for school run, hence her spot was always free.

I greeted her as i took my seat beside her. She responded, fixing her gaze on my wrist.
“that’s an expensive wrist watch, whose own is it?” She asked, focusing all attention on me.
“it belongs to Ruth , i forgot to give it back to her” I lied
“okay, better return it now before you spoil it”
I stepped out of the car, and carried my school bag along. I walked all the way back to my classroom, in search of Ruth.

She and Hannah were walking towards the gate house when i sighted them.

I caught up with them, and handed my wrist watch and phone over to her.
“my mum is asking questions ” i said hurriedly.
Ruth accepted the items, keeping them safely in her bag.
“don’t for get them at home, see you tomorrow”

I hurried quickly towards the car pack to meet my mum.

The rest of the week was uneventful. We were eagerly anticipating the commencement of our lessons the following week.

It would turn out to be the week when the “good girl” died.

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