Episode 58

In an hour or a little more than that, I was done with cooking rice and making a fresh pineapple juice. I had also warmed the sauce using a microwave. I went upstairs, took my bath and started searching for what to wear. After rummaging through my wardrobe, I finally settled for a chiffon top and jean short, just not to dress provocatively.

Leonard was at the door at exactly 11:34am. He looked smart and handsome in his checked blue and white short, then a black top that didn’t hide his body.

Me: Wow. You filled out provocatively this past years.

He gave out a smile and walked in
Leonard: And I’m still looking for the right words to use. The past years has being good to you as well.

Me: Don’t flatter please, with all these flesh?
Leonard: I’ll rather use the word, thick. Just the way we men like it.

Me: I smell a flirt.

Leonard: I’m no flirt dear. I’m just being realistic.

Me: Realistic indeed. Please make yourself comfortable while I get breakfast ready.

Leonard: Thank you.

I left him and went to my dinning which was ready. I rechecked if everything was in place, rice, sauce, chicken, water, wine, then my homemade juice. Everything was just where it was supposed to be. I walked back to him and announced that breakfast was ready. He smiled and stood up before following me. I served him and we ate silently, something I had learnt to do over the years. After eating, we did the dishes together before settling down in the sitting room, with me, in my favourite place which was the floor.

Leonard: So you still haven’t learnt how to sick your village self down on a chair huh?
I smiled and handed him the remote.

Leonard: Why will you buy this beautiful settees when you know you won’t use them?

Me: I’ve also asked myself that same question for years. But let’s just say that where I sit, depends on my mood.

Leonard: So what’s your mood now?
Me: Happy. I’m happy.

He scoffed and I frowned. Lois always said same things anytime she visited but it’s already part of me.

Leonard: You’re lucky you’ve got a nice body, if it were some other girl sitting on the floor for the number of years you’ve been doing it, her backside would have flattened by now.

Me: I see. But sorry, I do squats.
Leonard: Guessed as much. No wonder it’s……

Me: Now don’t start again.
Leonard: I won’t.

He laughed and brought out his phone, dialled a number and spoke for a while before turning to me.

Leonard: Would you mind some grilled fish?
Me: No, thanks.

He ended the call but didn’t end the smile.
Leonard: That was my cousin sis. I’m certain she stole some from what will be used this evening. Speaking of which, will you be there?
Me; Nope.

Leonard: Wow. Such a straight and simple answer. Why?

Me: Nothing. I just don’t want to mingle with all these people and then later, they’ll come and act as friends when all they want is to intrude into your privacy.

Leonard: What thinking? I now understand that you’re purposely shutting people out from your life. Pamela it’s not right.
Me: I know. But I don’t need anybody in my life. I’m okay with Lois, my family and then you.

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