Episode 19

There might be a slip up, if he should release him.

Since the officers were aware of Ben’s crime.

They would surely reveal the facts hidden.
His strictness with them won’t help matters either.

They were highly recommended because they serve the government whole heartedly with utmost loyalty.

They were good patriotism.

There was no way he could help him except if he did justly.

What would it profit him, if he helps a friend in crime and losses his job?

The D.P.O thought for awhile and came to a conclusion.

“Ben, i’m sorry, you would have to face the law and justice would be done fairly. I can help you get a good lawyer if the need arises.”

the Dpo said in a serious tone while ben opened his mouth in surprise.
What does he expects before?

He was only vanquished.

He thought he would at least help him but was just downcasted at his reply.
“its my burden and i will bear the consequences. Thank you”
ben replied and sank his head into his hands.
“sergeant okoro!”
the dpo called while a young man hurriedly came in and saluted the dpo.
“take him to room 2 in ward 4”
the dpo ordered the young officer.
“but sir, cells in ward 4 are meant for top official criminals”
the young man objected.
“shut up! Just do as i say!”
the dpo angrily shouted at him.
“sorry sir!”
the young man apologized
“sorry for yourself”
the dpo replied.
“permission to fall out sir!”
the young officer requested.
“permission granted!”
the young officer led ben out of the Dpo’s office and they both walked through the hallway.

Ben could see criminals in the cells facing each other. They were in extreme agony.
He saw the cruel life they live.

Thats another world for human.
If one’s punishment for the crime he/she comitted in earth, could be severe as these, then how would hell look like?

The jangling of the keys that the young officer cling to, made ben to stir back to life.

They were already at the said cell.

He could now figure out why the officer said it’s meant for top official criminals.

The cell was well-kept and taintless. It was even adorned with a chair and table plus a small sized bed.

Definately, simeon used the cell to appreciate his kind gesture.

The officer removed the handcuff from his hand and threw him inside and he locked the iron gate and left immediately.

Ben sat on the chair and rested his head on the table while different thoughts ran through his head.

Is he gonna die?

Or he would be sentenced to life imprisonment.

Serving a life sentence in prison feels like a long and arduous journey towards a freedom that is not guranteed to be there once you arrive.

It was a harsh reality for Ben who’d never been to prison before.

He’d no idea of what to expect and he was extremely nervous.

He would be in detention for how many days before they would call him for court hearing before his fate would be decided.

He was totally famished but he cared less to feed the hungry worms.

How would he even feed them in this excruciating situation?

Ah! Nancy!

Tears pricked down his face as he remembered nancy.

What would be nancy’s fate?

Would she made it out alive?

He himself was behind bars for a crime that he’d committed just to save their marriage.
Would his effort be futile?

What would happen next?
“ben, i’m sorry, you would have to face the law and justice would be done fairly. I can help you get a good lawyer if the need arises”

simeon final words kept ringing in his head.
Justice would be done fairly?

Does it mean he would die?

Does he really need a lawyer?
When it seems, the outcome won’t be on his favour.

If it happens that nancy got out alive, would she be able to withstand the news of his death?

Or probably life imprisonment?

Why would he have let anger & fury take over him in the first place.

Had it been, he’d controlled his anger, things wouldn’t have got complicated as it was now.

Clara would have been out there planning on how to execute her devilish mission, if he hadn’t killed her.

All the same, this is where it now led him to.
He knew he need God’s intervention.

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