Episode 7

When Paul came home later
that evening, he
easily noticed that there was
different about his wife. She
was acting like she
was hiding something. The
way her eyes
glowed was strange and she
was not her
normal dull self who took her
time in everything
she did. She also couldn’t stare
at him straight
in the eyes, yet she kept on
stealing a glance at
him, but would quickly look
away whenever
they had eye contact.

“So how was your day?” He
asked her while
having his dinner.

“My day?” she quickly asked.
She didn’t know
when she became alarmed.
“My day was okay,
just the same usual boring

He noticed this alarmed
reaction too, but didn’t
know what to do about this

Ruth wanted SÂŁx and wanted it
any moment
from now. Today was the last
day of his fasting
but she wasn’t sure if he would
want to touch
her. She needed him even
though she wasn’t
sure she would have the same
pleasure as the
lady in the neighbor’s balcony
had had. She
just needed to be touched.
Paul couldn’t just understand
what was wrong
with his wife. She was touching
him here and
there, something she had
never done before.
She watched him eat, saying
Was she still angry at him for
what happened
last week? Paul thought. But
she didn’t actually
look angry. He also observed as
she quickly
parked the empty plate right
after he was done,
dropped the plates in the
kitchen and came

“Let’s go into the room dear.”
Ruth said.

There was also something
different about the
way she talked, he noted. Did
she want SÂŁx? He
didn’t want S£x. He was tired
and needed to
just pray and sleep. But how
could she be
acting like she wanted SÂŁx?
That’s a worldly
behavior. “I want to read the
bible a little before
coming into the room.” he
replied her
“Alright, I will be inside.” She
stood up and
entered the bedroom.
Paul could see that she was
His wife wanted to make love
to him and it was
his duty as a man to do that
with her. Even the
word of God said so. He should
be with her
even though he was tired. He
read a few verses
in the bible and quickly stood
up to join her in
the bedroom.
He put on his night gown and
joined her on the

Ruth turned around once he
lay on the bed and
began to caress him. This was a
strange act as
far as Paul was concerned. His
wife never
initiated SÂŁx. There was an
unfamiliar hunger in
the way she touched him. It
quickly turned him
on and soon man and wife
were Unclad.
Ruth wanted him to be wilder
in his touch. She
wanted him to make her
scream like the lady
had screamed today. But Paul
wasn’t cut out
for this new style of love
making. What had
gotten into his wife’s head?
Why is she just
rushing him, he just wanted to
take his time; it
seemed like he was about to
make love to
another person and not his

Ruth wasn’t feeling him; she
felt frustrated but
kept on trying.
His fingers toughed her virgina,
caressed it a
little and went up to her
No! She was not going to have
a few minutes of
caress and then SÂŁx without
energy. She
wanted him to finger her
harder and sU-Ck her
b0s0ms harder too. She
wanted him to make
her scream. Couldn’t he see
that she was all
wet? She wondered how the
lady felt with the
young man’s tongue in her
virgina. She was
sure the feeling the tongue
would have on her
femalecore would be heavenly.
“Please don’t take off your
hand,” she pleaded.
“Touch me more,” she couldn’t
believe she was
the one saying this. She
wanted him to rub
harder on her femalecore. She
just wanted to
feel all the pleasure she could.
Paul was surprised at the way
she had talked.

What in devil had gotten into
his wife? Was she
demanding a worldly kind of S
ÂŁx from him?
Somehow, he wanted to give it
to her as she
demanded but couldn’t bring
himself up to do
such dirty things. Why does she
want him to
over caress her virgina? He
wasn’t just
expecting this.
He just touched her a little and
quickly caressed
her b—m before driving his
J0yst!ck into her.
Ruth almost cried out in
frustration but loved
the feel of him inside her. She
wanted to tell
him to sU-Ck her b—m hard
but knew she
would sound as worldly as the
lady in her
neighborhood. She was lying in
a missionary
style but hoped that she would
also have him
drive into her from the rear,
just like the dog-
like style she saw her neighbor
did to his girl

But he was getting over
excited and needed to
have SÂŁx with her before he
ejaculated in the
process of romance. She was all
wet and he
liked the feel of her virginal
walls. This got him
even more excited as the walls
of the warm
environment contracted and
gave him a warm
He ejaculated before he got to
his thirteenth
Ruth noticed he was pounding
her faster, he
was coming!! “No, no don’t,
please don’t come,
don’t stop pleaaase.” She
please, surprised at
herself once again for saying it
out loud.

But it was too late. Paul’s
J0yst!ck was already
shrinking. He rolled off her and
lay face up on
the bed, breathing heavily.
Ruth couldn’t understand what
was wrong with
her. She was plain angry. The
emptiness she
felt inside was so deep that she
felt like crying.
Was this all she could get after
all the
anticipation all day? She
wanted to despise her
husband for leaving her this
empty, but she
knew she shouldn’t. She was
acting sinful even
with her thoughts and she
knew she should

She felt sad. Then a realization
downed on her.
She was never going to have as
much joy
during SÂŁx as that lady. She
was never going to
be satisfied. She was stuck and
would never
find the happiness she desired.
She became
scared. The possibility of living
the rest of her
life in this emptiness was

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